On Mon, 14 Jan 2019 21:34:34 +0100
Tamás Király <rock8...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm simulating the internal clock of an embedded microcontroller...

You can't expect a million interrupts per second and host OS running 
(1us gives some 4k instructions inbetween on recent 3GHz cpu core) 

Usual way for emulating hw state machines maintaining RT accuracy:


1. make a batch "n" of emulated hw instructions that span observable
i/o ops or shared state commits; then

2. count expected 'hw cycles' above batch would need on real hw,
duration "d" of real time it would take then "t" point of time batch 
results are due; then

3. set "hw progress" timer P to "t" point

4. "execute" batch "n"
(at full host speed of course, hw logic/instructions are
transpiled to host instruction set)

5. sleep (give cpu to host OS) until P fires

6. commit state (results of batch) "n"
    n += 1; 
    goto loop

Hope this helps,

Wojciech S. Czarnecki
 << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE

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