Spun out of the "C++ 11 to Golang convertor" thread...

On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 12:27 AM Eric S. Raymond <e...@thyrsus.com> wrote:
> Perry and I have two different target languages in mind.  Perry's
> target language is basically a repaired C - type-safe, almost
> upward-compatible. He and I have the same strategic goal - draining
> the swamp of old, leaky C code - we're just betting on slightly
> different ways to do it. We intend to cooperate as much as possible.

This is drifting quite off-topic, but I would expect transpiling C to
Go would result in something slower than the original, especially if
it involves a lot of low-level, slice-of-bytes processing. Faster is
obviously easier to sell than slower.

Go is memory-safe, but that entails e.g. runtime bounds checking. Any
individual bounds check might be cheap, measured in nanos, but for
e.g. image decoding, a per pixel bounds check multiplied by a
megapixel image (a 'low-res' photo, by today's standards) means that
nanos become millis.

Reasonable people can disagree, but I favor rewriting over
transpilation, for draining that swamp.

https://github.com/google/wuffs is a new, memory-safe programming
language and a written-from-scratch library of various file formats.
Runtime performance is a special concern: there are no implicit
(runtime) bounds checks. Unlike Go, bounds checks have to be explicit,
which means that programs can eliminate them from the object code by,
well, eliminating them from the source code.

Here are some work-in-progress microbenchmarks (the output of "wuffs
bench" piped to "benchstat") of Wuffs' GIF decoder versus my Debian
system's stock giflib 5.1.4, a library that you might be familiar with
:-). The giflib library is called "mimic" here, since the correctness
tests check that Wuffs mimics (produces the same output as) giflib.

The short story is that Wuffs is around 2x to 6x faster than giflib,
and giflib is, say, 1.5x faster than Go's image/gif, a package that
I'm familiar with :-).

wuffs_gif_decode_1k_bw/clang             245MB/s ± 1%
wuffs_gif_decode_1k_color/clang          140MB/s ± 1%
wuffs_gif_decode_10k_indexed/clang       183MB/s ± 1%
wuffs_gif_decode_100k_artificial/clang   530MB/s ± 1%
wuffs_gif_decode_100k_realistic/clang    212MB/s ± 0%
wuffs_gif_decode_1000k/clang             216MB/s ± 0%
wuffs_gif_decode_anim_screencap/clang   1.09GB/s ± 0%

wuffs_gif_decode_1k_bw/gcc               265MB/s ± 1%
wuffs_gif_decode_1k_color/gcc            147MB/s ± 1%
wuffs_gif_decode_10k_indexed/gcc         187MB/s ± 1%
wuffs_gif_decode_100k_artificial/gcc     517MB/s ± 1%
wuffs_gif_decode_100k_realistic/gcc      213MB/s ± 1%
wuffs_gif_decode_1000k/gcc               217MB/s ± 1%
wuffs_gif_decode_anim_screencap/gcc     1.08GB/s ± 1%

mimic_gif_decode_1k_bw                   141MB/s ± 1%
mimic_gif_decode_1k_color               76.2MB/s ± 1%
mimic_gif_decode_10k_indexed            94.8MB/s ± 0%
mimic_gif_decode_100k_artificial         155MB/s ± 0%
mimic_gif_decode_100k_realistic         95.9MB/s ± 0%
mimic_gif_decode_1000k                  98.1MB/s ± 0%
mimic_gif_decode_anim_screencap          176MB/s ± 0%

To reproduce these numbers:

git clone https://github.com/google/wuffs.git
cd wuffs
gcc -O3 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror test/c/std/gif.c -DWUFFS_MIMIC -lgif
./a.out -bench

Optionally pipe that final command to "benchstat /dev/stdin",
installed by "go get golang.org/x/perf/cmd/benchstat".

Wuffs' documentation is lagging the implementation by many months. Sorry.

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