Peter, thanks for that thoughtful and clear answer. It articulates very 
clearly the tussle I've been feeling, and is immensely helpful!

Happy New Year!


On Tuesday, December 25, 2018 at 1:37:14 PM UTC-5, Peter Bourgon wrote:
> I've repeatedly built "service container" or "corp kits" like the one 
> you're describing, as well as helped a number of orgs improve their 
> own versions of the thing in a consultant capacity. I think everyone 
> has the same reaction that you do: why are we duplicating all this 
> effort? But I can say with some breadth of experience that the 
> commonalities are fewer than they may appear. Once you take your e.g. 
> log shipper library, which is likely quite purpose-built not only for 
> your chosen MQ but the peculiarities of its runtime environment(s), 
> and provided switches and knobs to account for reasonable alternatives 
> to make it worth open-sourcing, you've rounded off a sufficient number 
> of corners to make it significantly less useful in your original 
> environment. The utility of these kits or containers is generally 
> proportional to how zero-conf they are: just use these pre-ordained 
> things, and you'll be good to go. Provide enough knobs to make them 
> generally useful, and the magic is replaced by config; new users, 
> faced with a sprawling YAML config and compiling in support for things 
> they'll never need, wonder why they can't eliminate all this cruft by 
> making a purpose-built jig for their specific conditions, and you're 
> back to square one. Advice from someone who's been down the path 
> enough times: accept as invariant that this code will never see the 
> light of open-source day, and hyper-specialize to your programming 
> environment, optimizing for ease-of-use. It's a better use of time and 
> energy. 
> On Wed, Dec 12, 2018 at 4:39 PM Zellyn < <javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi folks, 
> > 
> > At Square, we have a collection of shared frameworks and library code, 
> loosely referred to as the “service container” in each language. For 
> example, our framework code in Go includes: 
> > 
> > a lightweight "module" system for dependency injection 
> > config: a way of layering yaml files named for environments. For 
> instance, common.yaml gets loaded first, and production.yaml shadows over 
> it, and production-east-coast.yaml gets applied last. 
> > logging: code for sending log lines over kafka to our logging aggregator 
> > networking: our stubby-alike protobuf RPC mechanism, naming and 
> discovery, etc. Gradually migrating to "just use grpc and envoy" 
> > datasource config: a convention for configuring database sources via the 
> yaml configs 
> > 
> > People probably also think of our service container as including 
> slightly less core things too: 
> > 
> > sharded jobqueues 
> > feature flags (backed by zookeeper) 
> > cron jobs (again configurable via yaml) 
> > 
> > This stuff has gone a while with less-than-generous attention and 
> upkeep, and the extent of Square-specific code makes it more difficult for 
> new developers to come up to speed. 
> > 
> > What I'm trying to figure out is: what are folks at other companies 
> using to create a shared set of conventions and out-of-the-box setup for 
> their Go applications? We can knock some pieces out one by one (eg. replace 
> our Module system with Wire), but it would be nice to find an existing 
> lightweight “service container” that other companies are using. 
> > 
> > I suppose my main question is this: is the kind of flexibility required 
> for a shared, open-source “service container” antithetical to the kind of 
> simple, opinionated, internal-convention-obeying “service container” you'd 
> want for your company? To put it another way, it has never felt like using 
> gokit would be appropriate, because it obeys none of our conventions. 
> > 
> > Thoughts, comments, experience to relate? 
> > 
> > Yours, 
> > 
> > Zellyn 
> > 
> > -- 
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