Thanks Robert,
Daves article is mind opening. I created 4 variants of my program to
compare the effects and to give others the chance to study it:


For the moment I will go for the second variant with buffered and disabled
Thanks to all!

Am Di., 18. Dez. 2018 um 21:03 Uhr schrieb robert engels <>:

> This may be a helpful read:
> On Dec 18, 2018, at 2:02 PM, robert engels <> wrote:
> To clarify the semantics aspects:
> If A cannot proceed until B performs it’s work, because there is a
> dependency, then using a unbuffered channel simplifies a lot - you will
> always be at most “one event ahead” without any extra synchronization (wait
> groups, etc.)
> On Dec 18, 2018, at 2:01 PM, robert engels <> wrote:
> Whether to use buffered or unbuffered comes down to two things:
> 1) the semantics of the communication. because using unbuffered channels
> simplifies a lot - knowing the send will not complete until the read
> completes - it provides a synchronization mechanism between events/messages
> and routines.
> 2) performance… imagine the following pseudo code:
> routine A sends messages to routine B
> routine B's processing of messages is variable - sometimes very fast,
> sometimes very slow…
>     --- for example, let B be a logger, that every once in a while needs
> to write to disk (the much slower operation)
> so if A is a low latency event processor - getting stuck trying to send to
> B would not be ideal - but since this only happens ‘rarely’ by using a
> buffered channel (with the size = number of events expected in a B “slow”
> time), you avoid “blocking” A
> for example, A is sending financial orders to an exchange - you would not
> want to every slow A down just because the logger was slow
> For the performance aspect, you are essentially increasing the
> parallelism, since any “block/wait” degrades this
> Hope that helps.
> On Dec 18, 2018, at 1:49 PM, Chris Burkert <>
> wrote:
> Robert,
> it seems to me that you have a clear understanding about unbuffered vs.
> buffered channels. I feel unbuffered channels are safer to use especially
> in an acyclic directed graph of flowing values. Buffered channels seem to
> reduce blocking but I feel they come with the cost of such side effects
> like my initial problem of forgotten results in their channels. I would
> love to hear/read/see more on the unbuffered vs. buffered tradeoff to get
> rid of this gut feeling I am currently based on :-). Any good article you
> can point me to?
> Thanks
> Robert Engels <> schrieb am Di. 18. Dez. 2018 um
> 17:03:
>> That code is incorrect as well when using buffered channels.
>> On Dec 18, 2018, at 10:00 AM, Skip Tavakkolian <
>>> wrote:
>> why not just  drop the select? i think the following is guaranteed
>> because putting things on rc has to succeed before putting true into dc:
>> package main
>> import (
>> "fmt"
>> )
>> func do(i int, rc chan<- int, dc chan<- bool) {
>> rc <- i
>> dc <- true
>> }
>> func main() {
>> worker := 10
>> rc := make(chan int, worker)
>> done := 0
>> dc := make(chan bool, worker)
>> for i := 0; i < worker; i++ {
>> go do(i, rc, dc)
>> }
>> for done < worker {
>> r := <-rc
>> fmt.Println(r)
>> <-dc
>> done++
>> }
>> }
>> On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 5:35 AM Chris Burkert <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I have a couple of goroutines sending multiple results over a channel -
>>> a simple fan-in. They signal the completion on a done channel. Main selects
>>> on the results and done channel in parallel. As the select is random main
>>> sometimes misses to select the last result. What would be the idiomatic way
>>> to prevent this and completely drain the result channel?
>>> Here is a minmal example which sometimes prints one 0 but should always
>>> print two of them:
>>> package main
>>> import (
>>>         "fmt"
>>> )
>>> func do(rc chan<- int, dc chan<- bool) {
>>>         rc <- 0
>>>         dc <- true
>>> }
>>> func main() {
>>>         worker := 2
>>>         rc := make(chan int, worker)
>>>         done := 0
>>>         dc := make(chan bool, worker)
>>>         for i := 0; i < worker; i++ {
>>>                 go do(rc, dc)
>>>         }
>>>         for done < worker {
>>>                 select {
>>>                 case <-dc:
>>>                         done++
>>>                 case r := <-rc:
>>>                         fmt.Println(r)
>>>                 }
>>>         }
>>> }
>>> many thanks
>>> Chris
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