I'm not an expert but I do my best.

Original  json format required:
{ "pos": [{ "lp" : "WISE-12", "lat": "-33,43565400", "lon" : 
"-70,60552700", "speed" : "102" }] 

Json autogenerated from: https://mholt.github.io/json-to-go/ (lazy style 
but it works. Even more when my boss is surrounding like a shark! jajaa)

type AutoGenerated struct { Pos []struct { Lp string `json:"license_plate"` 
Lat string `json:"lat"` Lon string `json:"lon"` Speed string `json:"speed"` 
} `json:"pos"` }

So I tried more fancy style but it doesn´t work:(

type track struct{ Lp string `json:"license_plate"` Lat string `json:"lat"` 
Lon string `json:"lon"`
Speed string `json:"speed"`
} type pos struct{ Position []track `json:"pos"` }

x := pos{ Position:[{Lp:"DEMO" , 
Lat:"-33.3244",Lon:"-33.391134",Speed:"80", } ]}

Somebody gave me a hand with this:

track := make(pos,1)
track[0].Lp = "EEE"
track[0].Lat = "-23.243423"
track[0].Lon = "-24.2344123"
track[0].Speed = "50"

Data2Send := pos{track}

But it doesn't keep "pos" when I check Data2Send with 
Any idea? "Is any out there?"


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