I would also state that Koazee is the only one that doesn't force you to 
cast data in your filter functions nor sort... because I understand the 
argument as an interface

instead of expect a function with arguments as the other 2 libraries do.

On Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 12:27:14 PM UTC+1, Iván Corrales Solera 
> Thanks for reply Marko,
> Sure!  I think the approach of making validation smarter and generating 
> code for primitive types was the key. 
> Actually when you ask me for benchmark the first time, the performance was 
> terrible! 
> If we have a look at how operation Filter is implemented:
> *Filter operation*
> https://github.com/wesovilabs/koazee/tree/master/internal/filter
> We find 3 files (this is basically the same for all the operations)
> In the filter.go, my input is a reflection type and obviously I am 
> required to do a validation in order to avoid an uncontrolled *panic*
> I guess my validation function is smarter than other libraries, Why? 
> Because of I cache some info
> func (op *Filter) validate() (*filterInfo, *errors.Error) {
>    item := &filterInfo{}
>    fnType := reflect.TypeOf(op.Func)
>    if val := cache.get(op.ItemsType, fnType); val != nil {
>       return val, nil
>    //...... Validations for input
>    item.fnInputType = fnIn.Type()
>    cache.add(op.ItemsType, fnType, item)
>    return item, nil
> }
> By this "smart cache" I avoid to evaluate eternally the same things. I mean,
> If my stream contains string's and the filter func looks like 
> func(string)bool I only evaluate once 
> because the output will be always the same
> The dispatcher.go has been generated. This has been generated from 
> repository koazee-gen <https://github.com/wesovilabs/koazee-gen>
> What do I achieve with this generated code? That my operation are applied 
> over a function that will work with primitive values instead of doing it 
> with reflection
> For example,
> func filterString(itemsValue reflect.Value, function interface{}) interface{} 
> {
>    input := itemsValue.Interface().([]string)
>    output := make([]string, 0)
>    fn := function.(func(string) bool)
>    for i := 0; i < len(input); i++ {
>       if fn(input[i]) {
>          output = append(output, input[i])
>       }
>    }
>    return output
> }
> Since I have a function for any primitive type (or pointers too) the 
> performance doesn't suffer the reflection cost
> I've also put a lot of effort to find the best way to do any operation 
> with the best performance. 
> For example, for reverse operation  I could do
> func reverseInt16Ptr(itemsValue reflect.Value) interface{}{
>    input := itemsValue.Interface().([]*int16)
>    len := len(input)
>    output := make([]*int16, len)
>    for index := 0; index < len(input); index++ {
>       output[index]= input[len-1-index]
>    }
>    return output
> }
> but my generated function looks like below
> func reverseInt16Ptr(itemsValue reflect.Value) interface{}{
>    input := itemsValue.Interface().([]*int16)
>    len := len(input)
>    output := make([]*int16, len)
>    for index := 0; index < (len/2)+1; index++ {
>       output[index], output[len-1-index] = input[len-1-index], input[index]
>    }
>    return output
> }
> I think is the best approach. I reduce a half the time of elements to be 
> evaluated
> I am learning a lot of Go (and enjoying too)  with all your requests and 
> suggestions and to be honest is so valuable when you achieve good results.
> On roadmap , I would like to publish a richer set of operations for v0.0.3 
> (I know my provided set of operations is poor)  and for v0.0.4  find a way 
> to improve the performance for complex structs (I got a idea..)
> On Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 9:05:52 AM UTC+1, Marko Ristin wrote:
>> Thanks, Ivan! These numbers are very helpful! Could you at least give us 
>> a hint why your library is faster than the other two? As far as I can see, 
>> all three libraries in the benchmark use reflection.
>> On Tue, 4 Dec 2018 at 08:49, Iván Corrales Solera <
>> ivan.corra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I am working on Koazee, a library to deal with slices in a functional 
>>> way. Since I published the very first release I was asked me for publishing 
>>> a benchmark comparison with other existing and matured frameworks. that 
>>> provide similar functionality. 
>>> I hope you find useful this article:  Koazee vs Go-Linq vs Go-Funk  
>>> <https://medium.com/@ivan.corrales.solera/koazee-vs-go-funk-vs-go-linq-caf8ef18584e>
>>> -- 
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