Thanks for the feedback. My comments below. 

> - To me type name 'fixed.Fixed' sounds like Javaism. Go code usually tries to 
> avoid such stutter: 'sort.Interface', 'big.Int' etc.
To me that’s a limitation of Go with small packages like this that only have a 
single public struct. It is based on decimal.Decimal so I’m not the only one 
who thinks this....
> - A struct with a single field could be replaced by the field itself. OTOH, 
> it would enable coding errors by applying arithmetic operators to it 
> directly, so it's maybe justified in this case if that was the intention.
It was the intention. The Raw methods are there temporarily and will be removed 
for direct serialization  via a Writer. 
> - I'd prefer a single constructor 'New(int64)' and methods 'SetString', 
> 'SetFloat' etc.
Not possible. The caller doesn’t know the int64 value. Also, think of how that 
would look in a chained math statement. Horrible. 
> > The benchmarks: (Decimal is the shopspring library, big Int/Float are the 
> > stdlib)
> I don't consider comparing performances of 64 bit integer arithmetic and 
> arbitrary sized arithmetic very useful.
Those are the alternatives to use when performing fixed place arithmetic. In 
fact decimal.Decimal uses big Int... so it is included for reference. 
> -- 
> -j

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