This is great, both as an "étude"---a challenge for sharpening your
technique---and as an exemplary write-up of the process of building
something non-trivial and making it both correct and fast. Nice work.

I'm sure you knew already, but Peter Weinberger (the W in AWK) is on the Go
team at Google.

On 17 November 2018 at 12:44, Ben Hoyt <> wrote:

> I've "finished" my Go AWK interpreter and released v1.0.0 now. I've fixed
> several bugs, and also sped up the interpreter significantly, primarily by:
> 1) Resolving variable names to integers at parse time so we can do []value
> lookups instead of map[string]value lookups at runtime
> 2) Using normal error returns instead of panic/recover internally for
> interpreter errors (but oh for the proposed "check" keyword to make this
> less verbose!)
> 3) Using switch/case to switch on binary operation type instead of looking
> up the operation in a map of functions
> 4) Avoiding allocations in many instances
> Here's a write-up about GoAWK for those that are interested:
> It's pretty much a toy project, not being used for anything real, but it
> seems to be in a good shape. Feedback welcome!
> -Ben
> On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 5:13 PM Ben Hoyt <> wrote:
>> I recently wrote an AWK interpreter in Go:
>> goawk
>> It's a pretty simple implementation: hand-rolled lexer, recursive-descent
>> parser, and tree-walk interpreter. It's pretty complete according to the
>> POSIX spec, and it passes the AWK ("one true awk") test suite as well as my
>> own unit tests.
>> In some quick tests I ran, I/O speed is on a par or better than AWK but
>> the interpreter itself is quite slow -- about 5x slower for a lot of
>> things. I hope to add some proper benchmarks soon. I have a pretty good of
>> why and how to fix it: variable lookup and assignment is slow, and I'm
>> planning to fix by resolving more things at parse time.
>> One thing that's a bit funky about AWK is its type handling: string
>> values can be real strings or "numeric strings" (numbers that came from
>> user input). I'm currently passing the "value" struct (see interp/value.go)
>> around by value. I still need to test if that's a good idea
>> performance-wise or not.
>> I'd love to hear any comments, bug reports, or -- especially -- code
>> reviews.
>> -Ben
>> --
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