On Saturday, 10 November 2018 16:49:40 UTC+1, Fino wrote:
> Flutter comes out, and using Dart...

Flutter looks nice

> Gophers should all working hard, to make Go occupy more domain area, 
> besides docker, k8s and blockchain.

100% agreed.  

I think GUI/Game Engine and BigData/Spark(by scala) are 2 domain Gophers 
> should try to walk in. 

There are some cool robot and hardware projects that bring Go to new domain 
areas.  As far as data stuff goes,
not all of it is "big".  Probably the best way to bring more Go to more new 
domains is to have quality open source
implementations of things students use -- scientific stuff.  go-num is 
quality, but lacks in scope.  It would be nice to 
fund and promote its expansion of scope.  There are other scientific 
domains like formal analysis of programs which
are traditionally not so numeric but rather symbolic/logical.  There are 
also a lot more domains which have a blend of
domain specific know-how and core math/science functionality, most sciences 
I'd say.

Media in general will always have a very wide user base because anyone can 
experience the results.  I think there
is a broad intuition that concurrency in Go would be nice to use in media.

All these domains need more quality core things in Go, not C (or Fortran).

In terms of cross platform/ portability properties of Go, I find it quite 
disappointing that Docker seems to be best fit 

Ian's observation that the main thing is the relationship of the language 
to the OS kernel makes sense up to a point.
But nowadays there is so much hardware/device specific stuff (GPUs, audio 
cards, touch interaction, ...) that it has
become a necessity for a programming language to have near zero-overhead in 
interfacing these things.  This can
be enabled when the language is low level (or low level enough) and when 
there are solid libraries interfacing 
OS services.

Go is already very strong in cloud/server oriented space.  I don't want 
that to influence the core language away 
from everything else and I do want Go in general to focus on expanding the 
scope of where it excels.



> BR fino
>> It would be nice if cross-platform GUIs were easier to write, but they 
>> are not.  The incentives are all wrong.  Platform vendors want to make 
>> their platform look nicer and work better, and that inevitably means 
>> that it is harder to write a single application that looks good on 
>> every platform.  The only people who benefit from cross-platform GUIs 
>> are developers producing applications for multiple platforms.  All 
>> else being equal, the platform vendors would prefer that they write 
>> applications that only work on their platform.  And any platform 
>> vendor with sufficient market share has the power to make decisions 
>> that move in that direction rather than toward better cross-platform 
>> GUI support. 
>> Ian 

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