Hi, all.
LiteIDE X35 released!
This version fast lookup types info and jump source by cache. Fix Delve plugin 
debug blocking bug. 
All support Go1.11 modules ( gocode / jump / find usages / find usages on 
module work )

* LiteIDE Home
* LiteIDE Source code
* Release downloads
* <https://github.com/visualfc/liteide/releases/latest>
* <http://sourceforge.net/projects/liteide/files>

### 2018.10.24 Ver X35
* LiteIDE
        * all support Go1.11 Go modules
        * fast lookup types info by cache
        * fix delve debug recurse set blocking
* LiteApp
        * side window style enable move tool window to any left/right/bottom 
        * side window style output bar shortcut change to command+meta+number 
(macos) or ctrl+shift+number
* GolangEdit
        * fast lookup types info by gocode cache
        * find all usages support Go modules work dir
        * refactor symbol support Go module work dir
* GolangAst
        * support import path gopath/vendor/modules doc view
* LiteDebug
        * add automatically add breakpoint main.main when debugging option 
(default disable)
* DlvDebugger
        * fix dlv list variables blocking, change LoadConfig recurse to 3
* LiteBuild
        * update gosrc.xml for support custom target workdir

* gotools & gocode
        * import https://github/visualfc/fastmod for fast parse go.mod depends
        * fast parse Go modules and fix issues 
* gotools
        * find all usages support Go module work dir
* gotools
        * fast completer for Go module project
        * provide types info for liteide by cache
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