The pattern you describe is used in several stdlib packages (notably
bufio.Scanner, which leads to a loop that looks like `for scanner.Scan() {
doStuff(scanner.Text()) }`. The only variation from your example is that in
the stdlib, `iterator.Continue()` both tests for the end condition and
advances the iterator state. With that change, it ends up not much more
verbose than the second syntax you suggest. is a past proposal to allow the
`range` operation to work on arbitrary types (although it was originally
proposed as a narrow enhancement on container/list only). Didn't get very
far, but sprinkled in the bug are some of the objections a new proposal
would want to address.

The big one for me personally is the argument for readability: currently,
Go code doesn't contain surprising execution: if there's not a function
call, you can reasonably expect that there's no hidden computation
happening. Python-style iterators and generators specifically go against
that, in that a simple looking range statement might run arbitrarily
complex code between loop iterations, rather than just increment a pointer.
I think that's the big non-technical question to address, aside from the
mechanics of syntax and semantics.

- Dave

On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 5:41 PM Eric Raymond <> wrote:

> I have a  real-world case where I need Python style iterators for
> performance.  It's not good to eager-evaluate an event-list 259K items when
> you know that in the typical case you're only going to select two or three
> orders of  magnitude fewer of them to be passed to a work function.  (The
> list is of commit events in a version-control repository; the selector
> might be something like "commited within 24 hours of time t").
> There's an obvious, clumsy way to do this by having a factory pass back a
> stateful iterator object:
> for iterator := IteratorFactory(selector); iterator.Continue();iterator.
> Next(){
>        DoSomethingWith(iterator.Value())
> }
> What one would really like to be able to do, though, is much more concise:
> for i, v := range iteratorFunction() {
>          DoSomethingWith(i, v)
> }
> Before I post an RFE, are there rejected iterator proposals I should read
> so I don't waste anyone's time on stale ideas?
> --
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