I think the idea we should focus on here is "The type is the contract". 
Instead of specifying a contract though operations, just use concrete 
types, including primitive types to specify the desired qualities of the 
generic type. 

Op donderdag 18 oktober 2018 08:52:30 UTC+2 schreef kortschak:
> If you require that a single like type applies to all the labels in the 
> parameter declaration, such that func f(a, b T like int, c, d T2 like 
> string) means a and be must be like T's instantiating type, and c and d 
> must be like T2's unstantiating type, then you get that. 
> If you only require a single like for any type T, something like func 
> f(in T like int) (out T), then you get the type safety on return. 
> Of course, this takes you back essentially to contracts, but with an 
> alternative declaration for the type characteristics. 
> Maybe it would be possible to use like in contracts in place of the 
> example-base approach. 
> On Wed, 2018-10-17 at 14:21 -0700, Andy Balholm wrote: 
> > I think there are serious issues with your syntax for functions and 
> > “templates.” For example, there doesn’t seem to be a way to specify 
> > that two parameters to a function need to be the same type, or that 
> > the return type will be the same as the parameter. The syntax from 
> > the official proposal is superior in that regard. 
> > 
> > But replacing contracts with “like” definitely sounds like something 
> > worth investigating. 
> > 
> > Andy 
> > 

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