Yes. But where do you place that bpf code?
Where will it run?
What packets will it monitor?

eBPF is run in a virtual machine _in_the_kernel_.
So a "VM using SR-IOV" bypasses this, also.

Your monitor must be running in each guest VM, or you must NOT allow SR-IOV 
- that bypasses the host's kernel - even the host supervisor! - too!

2018. október 4., csütörtök 14:22:49 UTC+2 időpontban Hemant Singh a 
következőt írta:

> Right.  However, if a VM is using SR-IOV which connects the VM directly to 
> the NIC, the kernel is bypassed.  Since sending my email, I also found a 
> packet filter in golang:
> I have tested the above code yet.
> Thanks,
> Hemant  
> On Thursday, October 4, 2018 at 12:22:11 AM UTC-4, Tamás Gulácsi wrote:
>> If your metering runs in the same (virtual) machine as the metered 
>> processes, the kernel sees the packets, so ebpf is the fastest.
>> If you run in different machines, or the virtualization skips the host, 
>> then you cannot catch the packets.

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