On 09/27/2018 11:12 PM, Dan Kortschak wrote:
> Unless you are holding a real pointer to the value, they will have no
> root to hold them and so will by GC'd.

Also if the pointer is returned by Pool.Get() ?
That's probably one of the main questions here. Will an object from
sync.Pool which have not been Put() be garbage collected if the
reference is lost?

> Further, the uintptr in the map
> will not be updated if the value is moved (does not happen now but may
> in the future).

!??!.... what?

Are you saying this statement from the Go spec is subject to change:
"Pointer values are comparable. Two pointer values are equal if they
point to the same variable or if both have value nil. Pointers to
distinct zero-size variables may or may not be equal. "


> What you're doing here is unsafe.

I know this involves the unsafe package.

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