On Friday, September 21, 2018 at 5:51:37 PM UTC+1, alanfo wrote:
> Thanks to all those who have had the patience to read this proposal and 
> made comments on, or criticisms of, it.
> Having carefully considered the points made, I have concluded that the 
> current proposal falls short in two important respects:
> 1. It doesn't deal adequately with numeric precision and/or signed-ness.
> 2. It's incomplete in that it doesn't deal with types based on string or 
> bool. Nor does it deal with the inter-convertible types: string/[]bool or 
> string/[]rune which would be useful in practice.
> Now a combination of my 'union' and 'except' assertions would address both 
> of these criticisms. However, I have decided that these are too complicated 
> and could lead to some difficult scenarios for the compiler or human reader 
> to sort out. 
> Although I still subscribe to the view that: "a simple to use and 
> understand solution that covers 90% is better than a complex one to cover 
> 100%", I think this proposal can (and should) do much better than that - 
> close to full coverage of *realistic* scenarios - while retaining its 
> essential simplicity.
> I have therefore decided to make the following changes to the proposal:
> 1. The 'union' assertion idea has been dropped completely.
> 2. Instead, the number of built-in contracts has been augmented by the 
> following:
>    * Boolean - any boolean type
>    * String - any string type
>    * Bytes - any string type or byte slice.
>    * Runes - any string type or rune slice
> This brings the number of built-in contracts up to 10 which is a lot but 
> worthwhile, IMO, because of the extra expressiveness it will bring.
> I continue to take the view that complex types are best segregated from 
> the other numeric types for the reasons I originally gave in the proposal 
> and also because to do otherwise would require, for completeness, the 
> addition of 3 more built-in contracts (Numeric, NonInteger and Addable).
> 3. The 'except' constraint idea has been adopted but in a much restricted 
> form: it will only be able to list built-in numeric types which are to be 
> excluded from the contract. 
> To be consistent with the built-in contracts, excluded types will be 
> deemed to include defined types with the same underlying type.
> The name will be changed to 'omit' which I think expresses its intent more 
> clearly.
> 'omit' will enable us to deal properly with numeric types and, in 
> particular, it will now be possible to build both 'Unsigned' and 'Signed' 
> contracts from the Integer contract and also to disallow smaller integer 
> types (such as int8 and uint8) where necessary. 
> So that's a summary of what's changed and the revised proposal is still 
> available at the same link:
> https://gist.github.com/alanfo/fb2438f376dac0db3be5664702f39aab
> As I said earlier, I hope Ian can make the draft design work (possibly 
> with some simplifications in the light of feedback) but, if he can't, then 
> I believe this proposal - which addresses the problem of 
> operators/conversions in a different way - would be a plausible alternative.
> I'll shut up now (where have I heard that before)!
> Alan
>  On Friday, September 14, 2018 at 11:32:29 AM UTC+1, alanfo wrote:
>> It's now more than a fortnight since the Go 2 Draft Generics Design was 
>> published and, like many others, I have spent considerable time:
>> 1. Steeped in discussions about the draft.
>> 2. Reading feedback papers by others (Roger Peppe's are particularly 
>> illuminating) most of whom share my opinion that 'contracts' are 
>> unsatisfactory and should be replaced, amended or simplified in various 
>> ways.
>> 3. Attempting to devise a workable alternative to contracts (as envisaged 
>> in the draft) myself.
>> I was then brought back to reality by this post by Robert Engels in the 
>> 'Generics - Why contracts?' thread:
>> "As I’ve said elsewhere, a SIMPLE to use and understand solution that 
>> covers 90% is better than a complex one to cover 100% IMO, and fits in well 
>> with the rest of Go design. Go leaves out a lot - and it's a good choice."
>> This convinced me that the draft design itself and many third party 
>> proposals (including my own) were too ambitious and what we needed was 
>> something much simpler that gave us 90% coverage and which everybody could 
>> understand. 
>> So I've added a simplified proposal to the feedback page which I feel 
>> meets this more limited aim. For anyone interested, here's the link:
>> https://gist.github.com/alanfo/fb2438f376dac0db3be5664702f39aab
>> Although the new proposal is largely a simplified version of my 'full 
>> fat' proposal, the paper itself is much more comprehensive as I've included 
>> notes on why I think certain contracts should be built-in (but not others) 
>> and have also tried to address the problems that were raised in the draft 
>> design and overview papers themselves. 
>> Any comments or constructive criticism are of course welcome.

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