Hi Larry,

On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 3:25 PM Larry Clapp <la...@theclapp.org> wrote:

> This question frankly struck me odd, given the context.  To paraphrase:
> "Do I have examples of where accessing a field in a generic struct type
> might be useful?"  I kind of assumed that, hip-deep as we are in a
> discussion of generic functions, that such a thing might be understood?  I
> mean, accessing struct fields in functions is ... useful?  Would not
> accessing struct fields in generic functions be ... similarly useful?

TBH I'm not sure. Struct fields, to me, have always been a property of a
concrete type and I don't see a need to abstract over them. Maybe I'm
suffering from Stockholm syndrome, but consider that Go *never* had the
ability to specify existence of fields in an interface - and that's not
because it would've been very hard to implement.

1. The draft proposal discusses the Corresponding function, to assign
> fields of the same name from one struct to another, of different types (
> here
> <https://go.googlesource.com/proposal/+/master/design/go2draft-contracts.md#fields>
> ).

I saw that example and I find it kind of contrived (as I said in the new
thread I started). If you look at the examples section in the design doc,
they are all very practical and motivated by experience reports. Or to put
it another way: This example looks an awful lot like "because we can", not
a "we need to, because".

2. To quote the draft proposal, "ever popular Min and Max functions", as
> applied to structs.

Personally, I find that an odd case to make. The function would inherently
prescribe the field name to sort by (so, e.g., you couldn't sort a
"Person"). So to use it, you already need some control over the struct. But
if you have that control, then why not

type Key(type T ordered) T
func (k Key(T)) SortKey() T { return k }

contract key(v T) {
    var _ interface{SortKey() T} = v
    v.SortKey() < v.SortKey()

func MinKeys(type T key) (x, y T) T {
    if x.SortKey() < y.SortKey() {
        return x
    return y

used as

type MyStruct struct {
    Other int
    Field float64

I'd argue that is… the same-ish? It's a little bit more code, but it also
allows a) the MinKeys function to be used with any defined type, by adding
a method to it, b) to unexport the method name of the interface, so you
actually get package-scoped requirements on "keys" (i.e. a crypto.Key
contract and a sort.Key contract wouldn't collide) and c) used just as
conveniently, once you accept that putting a constraint on the name of a
field is similar to putting a constraint on the field being an embedded
field of a specific type.

i.e. IMO it's strictly more generic and useful.

>   Somewhat to my surprise, the draft doesn't actually give a sample
> implementation of these, at least not that I could find.  So here's my
> attempt:

> contract key(x T) {
>         x.Key < x.Key // specify that T must have a Key field and that it
> must be ordered
> }
> func MinKeys(type T key)(x, y T) T {
>         if x.Key < y.Key {
>                 return x
>         }
>         return y
> }
> So, I think accessing fields of generic struct types would be handy, yeah.
> — L
> On Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 6:54:06 AM UTC-4, Jonathan Amsterdam
> wrote:
>> Do you have actual examples of how that would be useful to you?
>> On Monday, September 10, 2018 at 9:45:12 PM UTC-4, Larry Clapp wrote:
>>> The conversation here is deep, and I haven't followed all of it.  I
>>> *think* y'all are discussing some different contract system than the
>>> actual draft proposal?
>>> If that's the case:
>>> You can't express field-accessors, which is an actual, inarguable
>>>> reduction in power that I'm perfectly fine with
>>> How would you instantiate a generic function that wanted to access field
>>> F of a generic type T?
>>> if you can't do that, well, I'm not fine with that.
>>> But I may have misunderstood.
>>> — L
>>> On Monday, September 10, 2018 at 7:45:04 PM UTC-4, Axel Wagner wrote:
>>>> The unambiguous cases aren't ambiguous of course. It's the ambiguous
>>>> cases I'm concerned about :) My post and this thread contain a bunch of
>>>> those. They are mostly growing out of builtin functions and things like
>>>> `range` statements and index-expressions.
>>>> You can translate all of my "pseudo-interfaces" into a clear and short
>>>> contract
>>>> contract comparable (v T) { v == v } // also allows !=
>>>> contract ordered (v T) { v < v } // also allows <=, >, >=
>>>> contract boolean (v T) { v || v } // also allows &&, !
>>>> contract bitwise (v T) { v & v } // also allows |, ^, <<, >>
>>>> contract arith (v T) { v * v } // also allows +, -, /
>>>> // well, this one's a bit harder…
>>>> contract concat (v T) { v + v; v == "" } // also allows range,
>>>> index[int], copy
>>>> contract complex (v T) { real(v) } // also allows imag(v)
>>>> contract nilable (v T) { v == nil } // also allows != nil
>>>> There is some discussion about maps, slices and channels to be had -
>>>> but I think the vast majority of interesting cases can be covered by taking
>>>> e.g. a `chan T`. A defined type with underlying type `chan T` is assignable
>>>> to that, so it would appear a perfectly fine way to express this contract
>>>> contract Chan (ch C, el T) { var x T = <-ch; ch <- x }
>>>> (and correspondingly for send/recv-only channels).
>>>> You can't express field-accessors, which is an actual, inarguable
>>>> reduction in power that I'm perfectly fine with (similarly to how we're
>>>> fine with interfaces not being able to express that).
>>>> Which IMO brings up the question: If we can express the vast majority
>>>> (or even all) of the needed contracts as combinations of this handful of
>>>> base-cases, why would we need to allow the full power of Go syntax, which
>>>> enables to write all the less than obvious ones too?
>>>> (to re-emphasize: All of this isn't polished. I did sanity-check
>>>> against the examples in the contract design doc, but I have not put enough
>>>> thought into it that there might not be a couple nooks and crannies I
>>>> haven't thought of, as you've proven before :) )
>>> [snip]
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