Sorry, I'm wrong about `eq`. It could be an interface, because `==` is 
treated specially for interface types.

But you couldn't have an interface for any other operator, like `<` or `+`.

On Monday, September 10, 2018 at 9:55:04 AM UTC-4, Jonathan Amsterdam wrote:
> From the blog post:
> For example there could be an eq interface that’s equivalent to a contract 
>> with an x == x. 
> Actually, there can't. If eq were an interface, then 
>    func f(x, y eq) bool { return x == y }
> would be legal. And so would the call
>      var a int
>      var b float64
>      f(a, b)
>  since both int and float64 support ==. 
> The problem is that the spec says that the operands of == have to be the 
> same type, so this code is invalid. 
> It's hard to see how to fix the problem without changing something 
> fundamental about the language.
> On Sunday, September 2, 2018 at 4:08:48 AM UTC-4, Charlton Trezevant wrote:
>> Link: [Getting specific about generics, by Emily Maier](
>> The interface-based alternative to contracts seems like such a natural 
>> fit- It’s simple, straightforward, and pragmatic. I value those aspects of 
>> Go’s philosophy and consider them to be features of the language, so it’s 
>> encouraging to see a solution that suits them so well. The author also does 
>> a great job of contextualizing the use cases and debate around generics, 
>> which I found incredibly helpful.
>> Any thoughts?

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