“wouldn’t be that hard"

> On Sep 10, 2018, at 1:24 PM, robert engels <reng...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> I wonder about the design, and how it will work. Since it uses the native 
> components behind the scene, you will get great fidelity but the layout can 
> be very difficult to accomplish.
> This is why Java’s Swing uses only a single native component (Canvas), and 
> does all of the text/drawing/event handling in Java.
> I wouldn’t think an OSX port would be that hard, but before investing the 
> effort, I’d love to see the same ‘demo program’ run side by side between 
> linux and windows to check the fidelity - because this could be a show 
> stopped.
> Any plans for a more involved demo application? 
>> On Sep 10, 2018, at 12:06 PM, Robert Johnstone <r.w.johnst...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:r.w.johnst...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> There isn't a porting guide, but I can provide some guidance.  
>> 1) In goey/base, copy widget_linux.go to widget_darwin.go to create stubs 
>> for Control and NativeElement, but don't worry about any implementation yet.
>> 2) In goey, temporarily remove all of the files for the controls.  You need 
>> to implement three functions, 'run', 'do', and 'loop' to manage the GUI 
>> event loop.  Actually, if you look at the code for WIN32 and for GTK, you 
>> might find you that you don't need both 'run' and 'loop'.
>> 3) In goey, implement Window for darwin.  Again, you can stub out most of 
>> the methods.  There is a example, ExampleNewWindow, which if you replace 
>> &VBox{} with nil, provide a minimal example of showing a window.  
>> 4) At that point, you should have most of the difficult work done.  The next 
>> steps will be to port over the controls one-by-one, but the infrastructure 
>> will be in place, so that work con be done a small piece at a time.
>> Let me know if that helps, or if you have any other questions.
>> Robert
>> On Friday, 7 September 2018 11:05:23 UTC-4, Robert Engels wrote:
>> I might be able to do it if there was a “porting guide” that describes what 
>> needs to be - at least in general terms - rather than just looking at the 
>> existing code and making a guess
>>> On Sep 7, 2018, at 10:01 AM, Robert Johnstone <r.w.jo...@ <>gmail.com 
>>> <http://gmail.com/>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I would be very happy to support macOS, but unfortunately I don't have any 
>>> experience on that platform.  Sorry, no concrete plans.
>>> - Robert
>>> On Thursday, 6 September 2018 19:44:52 UTC-4, Richard Wilkes wrote:
>>> Hi, Robert.
>>> Do you have any plans to add macOS support to this?
>>> - Rich
>>> On Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 9:07:41 PM UTC-7, Robert Johnstone wrote:
>>> This is an initial announcement of goey, a package for declarative, 
>>> cross-platform GUIs.  The range of controls, their supported properties and 
>>> events, should roughly match what is available in HTML.  However, 
>>> properties and events may be limited to support portability.  Additionally, 
>>> styling of the controls will be limited, with the look of controls matching 
>>> the native platform.
>>> A minimal example of a complete application can be found at 
>>> https://godoc.org/bitbucket.org/rj/goey/example/onebutton 
>>> <https://godoc.org/bitbucket.org/rj/goey/example/onebutton>.
>>> * README:  https://bitbucket.org/rj/goey/src/default/README.md 
>>> <https://bitbucket.org/rj/goey/src/default/README.md>
>>> * godoc: https://godoc.org/bitbucket.org/rj/goey 
>>> <https://godoc.org/bitbucket.org/rj/goey>
>>> Feedback welcome.
>>> -- 
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