Thanks Ian, was hoping you’d weigh in.

Perhaps a compromise position would be that these type 
groups/classes/contracts are not language builtins but in the stdlib? 
contracts.Comparable, etc. If we really don’t want to see the dot, we 
import with _.

And, for a first implementation, only the stdlib can define contracts. We 
might find that to be ‘good enough’ (a positive outcome).

The hypothesis (just to reiterate) is that there is a small number of 
contracts that cover the majority of use cases, and so we can exploit that 
fact to minimize new language concepts. 80% benefit for 20% complexity, 
which is how I describe Go’s current type system.

On Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 12:54:24 PM UTC-4, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 8:20 AM,  < <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > As I wasn't happy with some aspects of it, I've rewritten my feedback on 
> the 
> > Go 2 Generics draft and deleted the original gist. Here's the link to 
> the 
> > new gist for anybody who's interested: 
> > 
> > 
> > This is still based on the type-class idea though I'm now proposing a 
> > simplified contracts approach to go with it rather than trying to make 
> > interfaces fit. It seems to deal easily now with all the examples in the 
> > draft paper though no doubt there will be stuff that it can't do or that 
> > I've overlooked. 
> Thanks for writing this.  I never got around to reading the earlier 
> feedback.  And thanks for working out the examples. 
> Personally I think an important feature of the current design draft is 
> that it adds relatively few new concepts to the language.  While 
> concepts are of course a new feature, a contract looks like a 
> function.  If you can read a function, you can read a contract.  You 
> don't need to understand a new set of ideas to know what a contract 
> is.  With your proposal, everybody has to learn a new set of 
> predeclared identifiers.  You list 14 new ones, including $struct.  I 
> count 39 existing predeclared identifiers, so this is a significant 
> increase.  Also, of course, the new identifiers don't look like any 
> existing ones, with the $, but perhaps that could be changed.  I would 
> very much prefer to not add so many new names. 
> If new features are added to the language, your approach may require 
> new predeclared identifiers, whereas the contract approach will 
> automatically adjust. 
> It's worth noting that your suggestion is less powerful than the 
> design draft, in that you can't express the notion of type parameter 
> that must be a channel type or a slice type.  This may not matter very 
> much, because the generic function can always write chan T or []T. 
> > It looks to me as though, if it requires a contract at all, you might 
> end up writing one from scratch for most generic functions/types you need. 
> Even if the commoner ones could be included in a 'contracts' package in the 
> standard library, you'd still need to import that package and then write 
> stuff like 'contracts.Comparable' which is a bit verbose. 
> > 
> > Even if the present design prove workable, I think writing contracts may 
> prove a bit of a black art and that, if things are at all complicated, some 
> programmers may just give it up and embed the function's code in the 
> contract which defeats the object of having them in the first place! 
> I believe we can use tooling to make these operations easier.  For 
> example, assuming we can make contracts work at all, it should be 
> straightforward to write a tool that can minimize a contract given an 
> existing contract definition, and therefore can produce a minimal 
> contract for an existing function body. 
> Note that while I think it's important that there be some way to 
> express complex contracts, I think they will be used quite rarely. 
> > The more I look at this, the more complicated it seems to get :( 
> Yes. 
> Ian 

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