On Monday, 3 September 2018 12:49:12 UTC-4, Hunter Breathat wrote:
> Hey, so I'm currently trying to create a custom shell.
> I am currently trying to implement the EOF exit (^D). Currently, I am able 
> to use exit as input and a variety of other
> commands, platform-specific; anything, not windows related (WIP), but I am 
> having an issue with the EOF causing
> an infinite loop. If you could help that would be splendid.
> bufio.Scan() doesn't return io.EOF (So that's a bust even though that's 
> the current implementation) 
> GoShell Repo <https://github.com/NexisHunter/GoShell> 
> The section you are looking for is in the file: main.go.
> Thanks in advanced
> Hunter
> PS. 
If you are able to even possible walk me through it would help a bit.

EDIT: As peterGo had stated that it is a dense section of code so I'll 
narrow it down.

var input = bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin) // Takes user input
> ...
> input.Scan()           //stores user input
> command = input.Text() // Stores user input
> switch command {
> case " ":
>          break
> case "":
>          if err := input.Err(); err == nil && len(command) == 0 {
>                   if err != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
>                     // EOF support
>                       extras.LeaveEOF()
>                   }
>          }
> }
> extras.Leave(command) // Check if command is exit or ^D
> // So this is the problem area from what I can tell. 

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