On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 6:45 PM Jay Sharma <jaysharma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> @Jan, The example you shown it is copying a string to new variable. but
my question was related to same variable.

> Will it overwrite the same memory or it will create some copy ?

The same concept applies as before. String variables are unique, mutable
and independent entities, string values are possibly shared, meaning
different string variables can point to the same string value.

IOW, reasignment of 'x' mutates x but not what 'x' points to. In case of a
string literal, like in "foo" or "bar", no memory is ever written or
allocated wrt the string value. All literals are fixed at compile time to
reside in the text, read only segment of the program. Assigning "foo" to
'x' or "bar" to 'x' just mutates 'x' to point to "foo" or "bar"
respectively. The only thing mutated is the variable. The memory occupied
by the variable is overwritten, the string value it points to is not.

Assignment  of a string value/expression does not copy the string value.
Instead it copies/writes the pointer to the string value into the string
variable. More details can be found for example here:

PS: It's like C char* pointers to a certain extent. Except Go strings know
their length without need to search for the NULL terminator - so they also
can include zero bytes. Moreover, different string variables can point to
different characters of the same string value. Thanks to that, if you slice
a string, like in `s = s[lo:hi]`, it's again an O(1) operation (as is

All of that is enabled by the imutability of string values. Compare to
slices. After 'a := []int{1, 2, 3}; b := a; b[1] = 42', a[1] == 42 is true.
However,  one cannot do the same with strings. s[expr] = 'X' is illegal if
s is of a string type.



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