No, the file is not flushed on close.

"A successful close does not guarantee that the data has been successfully 
saved to disk, as the kernel defers writes. It is not common for a file 
system to flush the buffers when the stream is closed. If you need to be 
sure that the data is physically stored use fsync 
<>(2). (It will depend on the disk 
hardware at this point.)"

You can just Sync the file, to make sure this not the problem.


On Monday, August 27, 2018 at 10:19:37 AM UTC+2, Paweł Szczur wrote:
> If you're asking about dmesg, I'm not seeing anything related.
> Yes, I'm on linux. The dir was created successfully, I guess it was not a 
> problem. Also, I believe the file is flushed on Close.
> I will look into the link.
> Paweł
> On Friday, August 24, 2018 at 6:33:15 PM UTC+2, Manlio Perillo wrote:
>> On Friday, August 24, 2018 at 4:19:17 PM UTC+2, Paweł Szczur wrote:
>>> Thanks. Both things you mentioned are already fixed. The MakeDir may of 
>>> course fail and now I handle it, but in described situation it was not an 
>>> issue.
>>> The files were written for most of the day successfully and suddenly 
>>> they stopped to appear.
>>> The disk was and is not full. There was no error returned by any 
>>> function (I've examined logs).
>> Did you checked the system/kernel logs?
>> If you still are unable to find the cause of the problem, and assuming 
>> you are on an UNIX system, you can try to change the code to make sure that 
>> both the new directory entry, and the new file data is flushed to disk.
>> For the directory entry you have to open the directory with os.OpenFile, 
>> passing the os.O_RDONLY|unix.O_DIRECTORY flags, and call Sync after the new 
>> file is created.
>> See
>> Manlio

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