One other question. I know you're aware of it because you mentioned it in 
the kickoff blog post, but do you intend to use the underlying types 
from https://github.go-audio/audio?

Just curious,


On Wednesday, August 8, 2018 at 2:37:12 PM UTC-4, Sebastien Binet wrote:
> Scott,
> One thing that wasn't completely clear to me in the blog post was whether 
> zikichombo was considering investigating a pure Go alsa compatible package.
> If I am not mistaken, right now, on Linux and on Darwin, the package 
> actually performing audio stuff is using cgo.
> Also, while I understand the fft code currently part of zikichombo is 
> specifically tailored for the audio use cases.
> I was wondering whether you had considered using gonum/fft and dropped it 
> for some reason (and I'd be interested in knowing what that was) out 
> whether you just didn't know about its existence (it's pretty new, but 
> based on the netlib implementation, IIRC)
> Cheers,
> -s
> sent from my droid
> On Wed, Aug 8, 2018, 20:25 Zellyn < <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Scott,
>> Thank you for taking on this thorny and important area. I hope you manage 
>> to include the various interested parties, and reach a consensus that is 
>> both efficient and Go-like.
>> Good luck!  I look forward to reading updates on the project blog.
>> Zellyn
>> On Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at 11:33:48 PM UTC-4, Scott Cotton wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I am pleased to announce a new project dedicated to rendering "awesome" 
>>> sound processing and i/o in Go, ZikiChombo <>, 
>>>  The project is in alpha, and this announcement is mostly geared toward 
>>> people potentially interested 
>>> in helping.
>>> (you may want to check out the launch blog post 
>>> <> for a more personal introduction).
>>> Best,
>>> Scott
>>> -- 
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