"By default, Transport caches connections for future re-use. This may leave 
many open connections when accessing many hosts. This behavior can be 
managed using Transport's CloseIdleConnections method and the 
MaxIdleConnsPerHost and DisableKeepAlives fields. "

So you may try to close CloseIdleConnections.

2018. május 27., vasárnap 19:26:19 UTC+2 időpontban Vadim Lesich a 
következőt írta:
> Ok with Mutex all work okay but i'm still have unclosedTransports, i'v 
> check it with pprof and he show that
> Dial: dialer.Dial,
> blocked Transport from closing
> воскресенье, 27 мая 2018 г., 18:33:12 UTC+3 пользователь Tamás Gulácsi 
> написал:
>> Map is not concurrency safe, you have to synchronize access. For example 
>> with a sync.Mutex.

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