I am not angry at all :) because all my OSS tools I develop usually for my 
personal use and to feed my laziness and just share them
imho today any attempt to keep some IT-ecosystem as pure one and based only 
on single technology or computer language will be too expensive, it is 
cheaper to use already existing tools and approaches, but if anyone is rich 
enough to do that then it will be  good and we will get many ways in 

@Igor Mazintsa: don't be angry at us. Just go ecosystem is an absolute 
> opposite of java's, so many Gophers just can't imagine how many thousands 
> of buildscript lines java's 'hello corporate bus' takes to compile and 
> run. 
> Thank you for your work. 
> -- 
> Wojciech S. Czarnecki 
>  << ^oo^ >> OHIR-RIPE 

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