Hi list!

I wrote a TURN server and would love to get feedback/share 

If you aren't interested in the code, but just want a TURN server there are 
already built releases that work on Windows/Darwin/Linux/FreeBSD and should 
just take 5 mins to get running!
These are the goals I had in mind when designing it, I was frustrated with 
other solutions and feel like it creates a higher barrier of entry to 
building WebRTC products then needed.

# Easy Setup 

The example cmd (simple-turn) is a statically built TURN server, configured by 
environment variables. 

The entire install setup is 5 commands, on any platform! The goal is that 
anyone should be able to run a TURN server on any platform.

# Integration first
pion-turn makes no assumptions about how you authenticate users, how you log, 
or even your topology! Instead of running a dedicated TURN server you
can inherit from github.com/pions/turn and set whatever logger you want.

# Embeddable
You can add this to an existing service. This means all your config files stay 
homogeneous instead of having the mismatch that makes it harder to manage your 
For small setups it is usually an overkill to deploy dedicated TURN servers, 
this makes it easier to solve the problems you care about.

## Readable
All network interaction is commented with a link to the spec. This makes 
learning and debugging easier, the TURN server was written to also serve as a 
guide for others.

## Tested
Every commit is tested via travis-ci Go provides fantastic facilities for 
testing, and more will be added as time goes on.

## Shared libraries
Every pion product is built using shared libraries, allowing others to build 
things using existing tested STUN and TURN tools.

If you are interested in using it, but it is missing a feature you need I would 
love to add it! The more users, the better the software gets.

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