Ah, so I misunderstood the documentation.

Thanks for the answer.

I suspect the behaviour of play.golang.org is due to the fake time as part 
of the sandboxing


Am Montag, 14. Mai 2018 11:12:07 UTC+2 schrieb Jakob Borg:
> Truncate(0) is not supposed to remove the nanoseconds part; it removes the 
> monotonic time part. It just happens that the nanoseconds are zero on the 
> "clock" on play: 
> https://play.golang.org/p/Kdq_SDTi664
> To remove the subsecond part use .Truncate(time.Second) (or the 
> corresponding Round of course)
> //jb
> On 14 May 2018, at 08:55, Jens Hausherr <jabb...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Hi, here is something I have been puzzled for a few days now.
> On my OSX machine rounding/truncating of time.Time values apparently does 
> not remove the nanoseconds component as documented when calling 
> Truncate(0)/Round(0).
> On play.golang.org it works as expected: 
> https://play.golang.org/p/NXyhK5v9Rwe (Although it might be misleading as 
> it seems to be stuck in 2009 still).
> The same code run on my local machine (OSX, go 1.10.2) outputs:
> 2018-05-14 08:50:02.291049227 +0200 CEST m=+0.000501271
> 2018-04-14 06:50:02.291049227 +0000 UTC
> 2018-04-29 06:50:02.291049227 +0000 UTC
> 2018-05-13 06:50:02.291049227 +0000 UTC
> So the nanoseconds persist through UTC conversion and truncating the ns 
> value.
> Regards,
> Jens
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