Hi, I know this is kind of old and I'm not sure anyone will answer, but 
even after the previous discussion I feel like any kind of switch-like 
statements should be able to fallthrough.

The answer that it doesn't make sense because you're supposed to choose 
between different available channel operations is not really a good point 
because you could say the same thing for the switch statement.
The switch statement is supposed to choose from a set of unique values, so 
it doesn't make sense to fallthrough another value?

My point is that the fallthrough operation allows us to define common code 
for different cases, which could be really useful in any switch-like 

On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 6:26:40 PM UTC-5, i3dmaster wrote:
> In Go, select and switch statements are similar just that select is 
> specific for channel multiplex operations. The fallthrough statement is 
> defined to flow the control to the next case statement, upon reading the 
> lang spec, it does not seem that specific to the "switch" statement, but 
> yet for some reason, it is only defined for switch.
> Anyway, maybe someone could enlighten me a bit as of why we have chosen 
> not to support fallthrough in select. And just for my greedy heart, can we 
> add it to select...

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