> That shows that basicNode's inputs and outputs fields are not visible as 
> fields of ActionNode or TestNode though.

Yup, struct embedding is just a shortcut to writing wrapper functions. 

Even if basicNode's fields gets promoted to ActionNode's fields, doing
b2 := n2.(*basicNode)
Wouldn't work anyway, they are still completely different named types and 
go is very strict on that.

On Wednesday, 2 May 2018 05:21:51 UTC+8, Mark Nahabedian wrote:
> I was expecting that since basicNode is anonymously embedded into TestNode 
> and ActionNode, that the methods and fields of basicNode would all be 
> present in TestNode and ActionNode.  In that case I'd have expected
> https://play.golang.org/p/gIvykcxFTmQ
> to have worked.  That shows that basicNode's inputs and outputs fields are 
> not visible as fields of ActionNode or TestNode though.
> On Tuesday, May 1, 2018 at 3:58:35 PM UTC-4, alex....@gmail.com wrote:
>> Struct embedding works like this:
>> type ActionNode struct {
>>     basicNode
>> }
>> Turns into:
>> type ActionNode struct {
>>     basicNode basicNode
>> }
>> func (a *ActionNode) OutputsTo(n2 node) {
>>     a.basicNode.OutputsTo(n2)
>> }
>> So basicNode will behave as a field of ActionNode with wrapper functions.
>> If you must embed and get basicNode out of a interface then you need to 
>> add to your interface a new method to get basicNode, e.g. 
>> https://play.golang.org/p/QhTmqeg9vgU
>> On Wednesday, 2 May 2018 03:43:17 UTC+8, Mark Nahabedian wrote:
>>> I don't know why I'm getting this interface conversion error or what to 
>>> do about it.
>>> I define an interface, node, and a struct, basicNode that implements 
>>> behavior common to all nodes.  I also define ActionNode and TestNode which 
>>> both anonymously embed basicNode.
>>> basicNode implements OutputsTo which links the receiver with the node 
>>> passed as argument.
>>> I get the runtime error
>>> panic: interface conversion: main.node is *main.ActionNode, not 
>>> *main.basicNode
>>> Here's a playground link that exhibits my problem:
>>> https://play.golang.org/p/ZeIkJSd7qB0
>>> Thanks.

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