Andrey, that's great!

On the Fibonacci series evaluation, let's make sure that we're all doing
the same calculation. For completeness and safety, let's skip all library
values and derived values. Here are more-than-sufficient versions of the
three constants in Yuval's code:

// 40-decimal digit approximations
const sqrt5 float64 =  2.236067977499789696409173668731276235441
// math.Sqrt(5.0)
const phi   float64 =  1.618033988749894848204586834365638117720  // (1 +
sqrt5) / 2
const psi   float64 = -0.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203 // (1 -
sqrt5) / 2

Here is the evaluation: (
func fibonacci(n uint) uint64 {
float_n := float64(n)
a := math.Pow(phi, float_n)
b := math.Pow(psi, float_n)
rounded := math.Floor(a/sqrt5 + 0.5)
both := (a - b) / sqrt5
fmt.Printf("%4d: rounded = %19.0f, both = %40.20f, delta = %+27.20e\n", n,
rounded, both, both-rounded)
return uint64(rounded)

And the result:
   1: rounded =                   1, both =
 1.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
   2: rounded =                   1, both =
 1.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
   3: rounded =                   2, both =
 2.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
   4: rounded =                   3, both =
 3.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
   5: rounded =                   5, both =
 5.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
   6: rounded =                   8, both =
 8.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
   7: rounded =                  13, both =
13.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
   8: rounded =                  21, both =
21.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
   9: rounded =                  34, both =
34.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  10: rounded =                  55, both =
54.99999999999999289457, delta = -7.10542735760100185871e-15
  11: rounded =                  89, both =
89.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  12: rounded =                 144, both =
 143.99999999999997157829, delta = -2.84217094304040074348e-14
  13: rounded =                 233, both =
 232.99999999999994315658, delta = -5.68434188608080148697e-14
  14: rounded =                 377, both =
 377.00000000000005684342, delta = +5.68434188608080148697e-14
  15: rounded =                 610, both =
 610.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  16: rounded =                 987, both =
 986.99999999999977262632, delta = -2.27373675443232059479e-13
  17: rounded =                1597, both =
1596.99999999999977262632, delta = -2.27373675443232059479e-13
  18: rounded =                2584, both =
2584.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  19: rounded =                4181, both =
4181.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  20: rounded =                6765, both =
6764.99999999999909050530, delta = -9.09494701772928237915e-13
  21: rounded =               10946, both =
 10945.99999999999818101060, delta = -1.81898940354585647583e-12
  22: rounded =               17711, both =
 17710.99999999999636202119, delta = -3.63797880709171295166e-12
  23: rounded =               28657, both =
 28656.99999999999636202119, delta = -3.63797880709171295166e-12
  24: rounded =               46368, both =
 46367.99999999999272404239, delta = -7.27595761418342590332e-12
  25: rounded =               75025, both =
 75025.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  26: rounded =              121393, both =
121392.99999999998544808477, delta = -1.45519152283668518066e-11
  27: rounded =              196418, both =
196418.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  28: rounded =              317811, both =
317811.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  29: rounded =              514229, both =
514228.99999999994179233909, delta = -5.82076609134674072266e-11
  30: rounded =              832040, both =
832039.99999999988358467817, delta = -1.16415321826934814453e-10
  31: rounded =             1346269, both =
 1346268.99999999976716935635, delta = -2.32830643653869628906e-10
  32: rounded =             2178309, both =
 2178309.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  33: rounded =             3524578, both =
 3524577.99999999953433871269, delta = -4.65661287307739257812e-10
  34: rounded =             5702887, both =
 5702886.99999999906867742538, delta = -9.31322574615478515625e-10
  35: rounded =             9227465, both =
 9227465.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  36: rounded =            14930352, both =
14930351.99999999813735485077, delta = -1.86264514923095703125e-09
  37: rounded =            24157817, both =
24157816.99999999627470970154, delta = -3.72529029846191406250e-09
  38: rounded =            39088169, both =
39088168.99999999254941940308, delta = -7.45058059692382812500e-09
  39: rounded =            63245986, both =
63245985.99999999254941940308, delta = -7.45058059692382812500e-09
  40: rounded =           102334155, both =
 102334154.99999998509883880615, delta = -1.49011611938476562500e-08
  41: rounded =           165580141, both =
 165580140.99999997019767761230, delta = -2.98023223876953125000e-08
  42: rounded =           267914296, both =
 267914295.99999994039535522461, delta = -5.96046447753906250000e-08
  43: rounded =           433494437, both =
 433494437.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  44: rounded =           701408733, both =
 701408732.99999988079071044922, delta = -1.19209289550781250000e-07
  45: rounded =          1134903170, both =
1134903169.99999976158142089844, delta = -2.38418579101562500000e-07
  46: rounded =          1836311903, both =
1836311903.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  47: rounded =          2971215073, both =
2971215072.99999952316284179688, delta = -4.76837158203125000000e-07
  48: rounded =          4807526976, both =
4807526975.99999904632568359375, delta = -9.53674316406250000000e-07
  49: rounded =          7778742049, both =
7778742048.99999809265136718750, delta = -1.90734863281250000000e-06
  50: rounded =         12586269025, both =
 12586269024.99999809265136718750, delta = -1.90734863281250000000e-06
  51: rounded =         20365011074, both =
 20365011074.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  52: rounded =         32951280099, both =
 32951280098.99999237060546875000, delta = -7.62939453125000000000e-06
  53: rounded =         53316291173, both =
 53316291172.99998474121093750000, delta = -1.52587890625000000000e-05
  54: rounded =         86267571272, both =
 86267571271.99998474121093750000, delta = -1.52587890625000000000e-05
  55: rounded =        139583862445, both =
139583862444.99996948242187500000, delta = -3.05175781250000000000e-05
  56: rounded =        225851433717, both =
225851433716.99996948242187500000, delta = -3.05175781250000000000e-05
  57: rounded =        365435296162, both =
365435296161.99993896484375000000, delta = -6.10351562500000000000e-05
  58: rounded =        591286729879, both =
591286729878.99987792968750000000, delta = -1.22070312500000000000e-04
  59: rounded =        956722026041, both =
956722026040.99987792968750000000, delta = -1.22070312500000000000e-04
  60: rounded =       1548008755920, both =
 1548008755919.99975585937500000000, delta = -2.44140625000000000000e-04
  61: rounded =       2504730781961, both =
 2504730781960.99951171875000000000, delta = -4.88281250000000000000e-04
  62: rounded =       4052739537881, both =
 4052739537880.99902343750000000000, delta = -9.76562500000000000000e-04
  63: rounded =       6557470319842, both =
 6557470319841.99902343750000000000, delta = -9.76562500000000000000e-04
  64: rounded =      10610209857723, both =
10610209857722.99804687500000000000, delta = -1.95312500000000000000e-03
  65: rounded =      17167680177565, both =
17167680177564.99609375000000000000, delta = -3.90625000000000000000e-03
  66: rounded =      27777890035288, both =
27777890035287.99609375000000000000, delta = -3.90625000000000000000e-03
  67: rounded =      44945570212853, both =
44945570212852.99218750000000000000, delta = -7.81250000000000000000e-03
  68: rounded =      72723460248141, both =
72723460248140.98437500000000000000, delta = -1.56250000000000000000e-02
  69: rounded =     117669030460994, both =
 117669030460993.98437500000000000000, delta = -1.56250000000000000000e-02
  70: rounded =     190392490709135, both =
 190392490709134.96875000000000000000, delta = -3.12500000000000000000e-02
  71: rounded =     308061521170129, both =
 308061521170129.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  72: rounded =     498454011879264, both =
 498454011879263.87500000000000000000, delta = -1.25000000000000000000e-01
  73: rounded =     806515533049393, both =
 806515533049392.87500000000000000000, delta = -1.25000000000000000000e-01
  74: rounded =    1304969544928657, both =
1304969544928656.75000000000000000000, delta = -2.50000000000000000000e-01
  75: rounded =    2111485077978050, both =
2111485077978049.50000000000000000000, delta = -5.00000000000000000000e-01
  76: rounded =    3416454622906706, both =
3416454622906706.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  77: rounded =    5527939700884756, both =
5527939700884755.00000000000000000000, delta = -1.00000000000000000000e+00
  78: rounded =    8944394323791464, both =
8944394323791463.00000000000000000000, delta = -1.00000000000000000000e+00
  79: rounded =   14472334024676218, both =
 14472334024676218.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  80: rounded =   23416728348467676, both =
 23416728348467676.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  81: rounded =   37889062373143896, both =
 37889062373143896.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  82: rounded =   61305790721611584, both =
 61305790721611584.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  83: rounded =   99194853094755488, both =
 99194853094755488.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  84: rounded =  160500643816367040, both =
160500643816367040.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  85: rounded =  259695496911122528, both =
259695496911122528.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  86: rounded =  420196140727489600, both =
420196140727489600.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  87: rounded =  679891637638612096, both =
679891637638612096.00000000000000000000, delta = +0.00000000000000000000e+00
  88: rounded = 1100087778366101632, both =
1100087778366101632.00000000000000000000, delta =
  89: rounded = 1779979416004713728, both =
1779979416004713728.00000000000000000000, delta =
  90: rounded = 2880067194370815488, both =
2880067194370815488.00000000000000000000, delta =
  91: rounded = 4660046610375529472, both =
4660046610375529472.00000000000000000000, delta =
  92: rounded = 7540113804746344448, both =
7540113804746344448.00000000000000000000, delta =

Yuval, please do the same test on your computer. Please evaluate the two
powers as separate expressions shown here ("a" and "b"). Let's see if
things agree.

On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 10:18 AM andrey mirtchovski <>

> every time float accuracy is mentioned i think of this:
> --
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