Then just do 

type Generic struct{
 name string

func (*Generic) GenericMethod() {

If you want to access name from p1

type Generic struct{
 Name string

func (g *Generic) GenericMethod() {

//package p1
func (x *P1data) F1() {
 x.Generic.Name = "asdf"

On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 12:58:36 UTC+8, wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Thanks for the response. Apologies for the confusion. The Generic method 
> indeed uses struct fields from P1data/P2data struct(they are all same 
> structs). Can I still achieve this? From the below. GenericMethod should 
> read name field from structs.
> //package p1
> type P1data struct {
>  name string
> }
> //package p2
> type P1data struct {
>  name string
> }
> -Thanks
> On Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 10:16:24 AM UTC+5:30, 
> wrote:
>> If GenericMethod is truly the same, as in not even using the struct 
>> fields from P1data/P2data then there is a way. You just need to create a 
>> new struct type in package main that implements GenericMethod and then in 
>> packages p1 and p2 you embed the struct and thus expose the method.
>> package main
>> import (
>>  "fmt"
>> )
>> type I interface {
>>  F1()
>>  GenericMethod()
>> }
>> type Generic struct{}
>> func (*Generic) GenericMethod() {
>>  fmt.Printf("Hello World")
>> }
>> //package p1
>> type P1data struct {
>>  Generic
>> }
>> func (x *P1data) F1() {}
>> func main() {
>>  i := I(&P1data{})
>>  i.GenericMethod()
>> }
>> On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 12:01:36 UTC+8, wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I am golang beginner. And I have a problem with interfaces. 
>>> Here is the problem where I have one main package with has an Interface 
>>> I. and multiple sub packages each implementing interface I. So I have a 
>>> method which is exactly the same for all sub packages. Is there a way I can 
>>> implement this method for I. 
>>> package main
>>> type I interface {
>>> F1()
>>> GenericMethod()            // Is there a way I can implement it on I 
>>> since its the same in all packages?
>>> }
>>> package p1
>>> type P1data struct  {}
>>> (x *P1data) F1()
>>> (x *P1data) GenericMethod()
>>> package p2
>>> type P2data struct  {}
>>> (x *P2data) F1()
>>> (x *P2data) GenericMethod()
>>> under the main package.
>>> for each data in sub packages do data.F1 and data.GenericMethod().
>>> Now I don't want to implement GenericMethod for all packages. Since its 
>>> the same.So can I implement GenericMethod on I (I know this is not 
>>> possible). But how can do something like this?
>>> -Thanks

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