Here's the generics discussion:


On Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 9:06:10 AM UTC-5, Deven You wrote:
> I am a newbie on Golang and find go syntax is pretty concise and I like it.
> However,  the syntax for public API seems a little trouble for me.
> Whenever I import a package, say:
> import dwu
> I need use a var or function with Capital first letter identifier:
> dwu.MyFunction
> dwu.MyVar
> I wonder since we can not use private lower case started identifier within 
> a package, perhaps we can just make a set of rules for how to control 
> referencing a package public memeber:
> 1. function and var and types directly from primitive type
>    we can just use lower case to use them like:
> dwu.myFunction
> dwu.myVar
> dwu.integer
> //definition of above
> // dwu.go
> package dwu
> funcMyFunction(...)...
> var MyVar :="..."
> type Integer int
> Inside the dwu.go we just can not define the same identifiers which only 
> differentiate from first letter cases like myFunction, myVar, integer etc.
> 2. Struct and interfaces still remain the Captial letters
> // dwu.go
> ...
> type Foos truct{
> ...
> }
> type Less interface{
> ...
> }
> //use dwu
> var afoo Foo=...
> var aless Less= ...
>  3. We can enforce the use of upper and lower first letters
> type Integer+ int//can only refernce it with dwu.Integer
> type Integer- int// can only reference it with dwu.integer
> type -Integer int // private identifier within dwu, but must use it as: 
> var a Integer = 1
>  I think using as many as possible lower case started API is more 
> convenient and with the point 3 we still have full control of how we 
> reference the public API.
> I also find golang with no generic syntax. Maybe this is for the original 
> difficulty or complexity of generic. But sometimes, generic is indeed 
> useful. A common case is for add() for any numeric types. 
> I think we can invent different but more simple syntax to achieve the same 
> behavior of generic. Here is my little thoughts:
> In C++:
> template <typename T>
> T add(T first, T second) {
>    return first+ second;
> }
> In Go:
> func add(first as a Addable, second a.type) { // or (first Addable as 
> Atype, second Atype)
>    var result a.type
>    return first + second // or first.add(second) if Go won't support 
> operator overload in any future version
> }
> We just use a.type or Atype to ensure first and second belong to one 
> certain same type which implements the Addable interface.

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