I'm playing around with slices. 
Found that slice of bytes with the size more than 10485760 is moved to the 

package main

import (

// run with escape analysis
// go run -gcflags '-m -l' main.go

func main() {
 fmt.Println("after a returned")
 fmt.Println("after GC")
 time.Sleep(5 * 60 * time.Second)
 fmt.Println("after 5 minutes")
 time.Sleep(10 * 60 * time.Second)

func a() {
 a := [10485760]byte{} // doesn't escape to the heap
 _ = a
 fmt.Println("after alocating 10485760 slice")
 b := [10485761]byte{} // does escape to the heap
 _ = b
 fmt.Println("after alocating 10485761 slice")

 c := [10000000000]byte{} // does escape to the heap
 // to trigger page fault? without this i don't see RSS growing that much
 // https://github.com/golang/go/issues/14045
 for i := 0; i < len(c); i += 4096 {
 c[i] = 'x'

 _ = c
 fmt.Println("after alocating a lot of memory slice")

$ GODEBUG=gctrace=1 go run -gcflags '-m -l' main.go
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:26:22: moved to heap: b
./main.go:30:25: moved to heap: c
./main.go:25:14: "after alocating 10485760 slice" escapes to heap
./main.go:28:14: "after alocating 10485761 slice" escapes to heap
./main.go:38:14: "after alocating a lot of memory slice" escapes to heap
./main.go:25:13: a ... argument does not escape
./main.go:28:13: a ... argument does not escape
./main.go:38:13: a ... argument does not escape

I'm just wondering what would be the reason for this?

also with the `c` variable above, calling `debug.FreeOSMemory()` why 
doesn't it releases the memory to OS immediately?

I'm running osx, go1.9.3

$ vmmap <PID>

                                VIRTUAL RESIDENT    DIRTY  SWAPPED VOLATILE 
REGION TYPE                        SIZE     SIZE     SIZE     SIZE     SIZE 
    SIZE     SIZE    COUNT (non-coalesced)
===========                     ======= ========    =====  ======= ======== 
  ======    =====  =======
STACK GUARD                       56.0M       0K       0K       0K       0K 
      0K       0K        2
Stack                             8192K      20K      20K       0K       0K 
      0K       0K        2
VM_ALLOCATE                      528.5G     4.9G    30.1M   286.1M       0K 
      0K       0K        6
__DATA                             424K     148K     132K       0K       0K 
      0K       0K        5
__LINKEDIT                         216K      76K       0K       0K       0K 
      0K       0K        3
__TEXT                            1452K     976K       0K       0K       0K 
      0K       0K        3
shared memory                        8K       8K       8K       0K       0K 
      0K       0K        3
===========                     ======= ========    =====  ======= ======== 
  ======    =====  =======
TOTAL                            528.6G     4.9G    30.2M   286.1M       0K 
      0K       0K       17

the output of the program

GODEBUG=gctrace=1 go run -gcflags '-m -l' main.go
gc 1 @0.102s 0%: 0.10+0.19+0.036 ms clock, 0.80+0/0.33/0.40+0.29 ms cpu, 4->
4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 8 P
gc 2 @0.147s 0%: 0.009+0.25+0.027 ms clock, 0.079+0.13/0.33/0.66+0.21 ms cpu
, 4->4->0 MB, 5 MB goal, 8 P
# command-line-arguments
./main.go:26:22: moved to heap: b
./main.go:30:25: moved to heap: c
./main.go:25:14: "after alocating 10485760 slice" escapes to heap
./main.go:28:14: "after alocating 10485761 slice" escapes to heap
./main.go:38:14: "after alocating a lot of memory slice" escapes to heap
./main.go:25:13: a ... argument does not escape
./main.go:28:13: a ... argument does not escape
./main.go:38:13: a ... argument does not escape
./main.go:14:14: "after a returned" escapes to heap
./main.go:16:14: "after GC" escapes to heap
./main.go:18:14: "after 5 minutes" escapes to heap
./main.go:14:13: main ... argument does not escape
./main.go:16:13: main ... argument does not escape
./main.go:18:13: main ... argument does not escape
gc 1 @0.007s 0%: 0.059+1.5+0.033 ms clock, 0.47+1.1/1.8/2.5+0.27 ms cpu, 4->
4->3 MB, 5 MB goal, 8 P
# command-line-arguments
gc 1 @0.000s 0%: 0.072+2.7+0.030 ms clock, 0.58+0.17/2.6/0.19+0.24 ms cpu, 4
->5->4 MB, 5 MB goal, 8 P
gc 2 @0.008s 0%: 0.056+1.3+0.041 ms clock, 0.45+0.11/1.9/1.5+0.33 ms cpu, 7
->8->7 MB, 9 MB goal, 8 P
gc 3 @0.025s 0%: 0.008+2.6+0.079 ms clock, 0.067+0.068/4.0/1.7+0.63 ms cpu, 
13->14->13 MB, 15 MB goal, 8 P
gc 4 @0.073s 0%: 0.013+5.6+0.040 ms clock, 0.10+0.17/10/0.34+0.32 ms cpu, 23
->24->22 MB, 26 MB goal, 8 P
after alocating 10485760 slice
after alocating 10485761 slice
gc 1 @0.012s 0%: 0.086+0.10+0.035 ms clock, 0.69+0.053/0.016/0.099+0.28 ms 
cpu, 10->10->0 MB, 11 MB goal, 8 P
after alocating a lot of memory slice
after a returned
gc 2 @0.194s 0%: 0.043+6646+0.16 ms clock, 0.34+0/0.17/6646+1.3 ms cpu, 9536
->9536->0 MB, 9537 MB goal, 8 P (forced)
gc 3 @6.841s 0%: 0.013+0.67+0.032 ms clock, 0.10+0/0.68/0.30+0.26 ms cpu, 0
->0->0 MB, 8 MB goal, 8 P (forced)
scvg-1: 9561 MB released
scvg-1: inuse: 0, idle: 9561, sys: 9561, released: 9561, consumed: 0 (MB)
after GC
GC forced


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