Thanks for your help. I think I understood the problem I was having.
In the original code (not the example in this email) things that would
normally go to a CHOICE field were marshalled into a RawValue, which
then got switched on RawValue.Tag to decide where to go (it's part of
the protocol, unrelated to asn.1). That raw value consumed a tag, but
the subsequent structs that were supposed to be unmarshalled from that
did not expect that tag to be consumed.

In the end my solution came down to calling
asn1.UnmarshalWithParams("tag:X") on the RawValue's FullBytes instead
of Bytes.

I hope we get support for CHOICE some day. I fear my understanding for
asn.1 is becoming sufficiently (in)adequate that I may soon be tempted
to do my own unmarshaller for our special case data...

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