You can also keep a map between the string form and the reflect.Type to
instantiate, something like

However, the Go proverb is true: "Reflection is never clear"

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 5:58 AM, <> wrote:

> Thanks. I read that blog post earlier and presents two different ways of
> handling this. Each maintains a list of switch cases and constants
> respectively so still not entirely dynamic.
> I'll probably just go with a switch then.
> On Wednesday, 28 March 2018 13:25:47 UTC+1, Andrei Tudor Călin wrote:
>> It isn't really possible to do so because there is no nice and type safe
>> way of getting from a string in the JSON to a Go type,
>> and a value of said type. You must write a little bit of extra code.
>> This article: presents a
>> good approach.
>> On Wednesday, March 28, 2018 at 1:46:24 PM UTC+2,
>> wrote:
>>> Is it possible to unmarshall Json by selecting the struct from a field
>>> in the Json?
>>> I'm porting some PHP code to Go and this is something I may have to
>>> approach differently.
>>> Here is the Json:
>>> [
>>>     {
>>>         "class": "Domain\\Model\\Message",
>>>         "skus": [
>>>             "FOO1"
>>>         ],
>>>         "label": "Lorem",
>>>         "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",
>>>     }
>>> ]
>>> In PHP the above Json is decoded into an associative array and I can use
>>> the 'class' field to decode further to an object (dynamically selecting the
>>> object using the 'class' value), like this:
>>> $obj = $decoded['class']::jsonDeserialize($decoded);
>>> assert($obj->label == "Lorem");
>>> So the above really translates to calling the static method on a
>>> concrete class, like this:
>>> $obj = Domain\\Model\\Message::jsonDeserialize($decoded);
>>> Can I do anything similar in Go without using a switch defining separate
>>> unmarshalling for each class?
>>> --
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