
I tried two different ways for creating a go binary and then executing that 
binary inside a Linux docker container. One option is working but the 
second way gives errors. I am trying to understand the difference between 
the two ways of creating the binary.
Thanks in advance for the help.

Here is the same code. It is a simple "hello world" app with date printed

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello World")
    fmt.Printf("The time now is %v\n", time.Now())

Option # 1 (NOT Working)

Step 1. Compiled go file in to a binary using below

$ go build main.go

Step 2. Used docker container and run it

$docker run -it -v 
--name raju_test ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

This is the error:

root@b942881ac13d:/Users/XX/go/src/awesomeProject1# ./main
bash: ./main: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

Option #2 (Working)

Step 1. Compiled go file into binary using a docker go-builder image 

docker run --rm -v 
-w /Users/XX/go/src/awesomeProject1 -e GOPATH=/Users/XX/go go-builder:1.7.3 
go build -o somebin main.go

Step 2

$docker run -it -v 
--name raju_test ubuntu:latest /bin/bash

root@b942881ac13d:/Users/XX/go/src/awesomeProject1# ./somebin 
Hello World
The time now is 2018-02-25 20:25:22.374418554 +0000 UTC

Notice the difference between the size of binaries created in the two 
options above.

root@b942881ac13d:/Users/XX/go/src/awesomeProject1# ls -l
total 3364
drwxr-xr-x 15 root root     510 Feb 24 15:33 Common
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 1691696 Feb 24 16:38 main
-rw-r--r--  1 root root     138 Feb 25 19:39 main.go
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 1726694 Feb 24 20:11 somebin

My end goal is simple. I am trying to build a Go binary and just move the 
file to another container and run it there without any Go SDK.


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