Hi Russ, I had a question about this:

> We expect that most developers will prefer to follow the usual “major 
branch” convention, in which different major versions live in different 
branches. In this case, the root directory in a v2 branch would have a 
go.mod indicating v2, like this:

It seems like there's subdirectories and this major branch convention that 
are both supported by vgo. In my anecdotal experience no repositories 
follow this convention in Go or other languages (can't actually think of a 
single one other than the ones forced to by gopkg.in which seems relatively 
unused these days). Master branch is whatever latest is and has v2.3.4 tags 
in it's history. Tags exist to separate everything (not just minor 
versions). If it's necessary to patch an old version, a branch is 
temporarily created off the last v1 tag, commits pushed, a new tag pushed, 
and the branch summarily deleted. There is no branch for versions, it's 
just current master/dev/feature branches + version tags.

Having said that, I've tested the above described workflow with vgo (just 
having tags that say v2.0.0, v2.0.1 and no branches) and it does seem to 
work (though as an aside it is pretty confusing/annoying to have to change 
the require statement to say both /v2 as well as v2.0.0 when you upgrade 
the dependency in go.mod, not sure why that's required). So my question is: 
Although this works now, is it intended? As it doesn't seem as thoroughly 
described as the other two workflows in the blog, and I want to ensure that 
working without a v2/v3... branch is not accidental functionality that will 
disappear since as I explained above I've never seen this (or the other) 
described workflow in the post to be massively adopted by anyone 
(especially outside the Go community).

Of course my argument is coming down to preference and anecdotes, so I'd be 
willing to do some repo-scraping to prove this across all languages if 
needed. So far I've really liked the proposal posts and am generally on 
board with the changes, will continue to follow along and play with vgo.

Thanks for all your efforts.


On Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 9:20:54 AM UTC-8, Russ Cox wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a new blog post you might be interested in.
> https://research.swtch.com/vgo.
> I'll try to watch this thread to answer any questions.
> Best,
> Russ

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