There is also the following repo, that uses parser generators a la yacc/lex 
to parse ASN.1 specifications and build abstract syntax trees of those, 
from which the encoder/coder code can be generated.

Any arguments which one to prefer?
Spontaneously I prefer the link I gave above, since it looks natural to 
first produce an AST from the given ASN.1 spec, and then proceed from 
there. I don't see this in the other repo(Logicalis/asn1), but maybe it is 
there implicitly somehow, although I don't realize it? (I am new to golang, 
and I have looked deep into this)

Den lördag 27 januari 2018 kl. 20:02:18 UTC+1 skrev Matt Harden:
> It isn't something that is likely to be added to the stdlib. If anything, 
> a library like 
> <>
>  might 
> be interested in supporting it / accepting a pull request to add it.
> On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 9:50 AM David Wahlstedt < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> ASN.1 is still alive and present in telecom applications. The PER 
>> encoding is missing in the go library, unfortunately...
>> Den torsdag 11 januari 2018 kl. 20:04:50 UTC+1 skrev Pat Farrell:
>>> On Thursday, January 11, 2018 at 10:50:24 AM UTC-5, David Wahlstedt 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I wonder if there are any plans to add PER encoding/decoding support 
>>>> for ASN.1?
>>>> I have looked around, and it seems that there isn't any project 
>>>> supporting this, currently.
>>> Wow, I haven't heard anyone ask for ASN.1 PER or DER in two decades.
>>> I know it still is listed in the specs, but  ASN.1 was  worse than XML
>> -- 
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