Referencing a type from another package must specify what package it comes 
from. Try:

var a *common.Any

Also, I would avoid using the term "alias" here. Type aliasing in go is 
totally different from defining a new type, which is what you do here. Type 
aliasing takes the form:

type T1 = T2

Type aliasing was only recently introduced to the language, and intended 
for very specific cases. So I would avoid using it without fully 
understanding the ramifications. 

- Jake

On Saturday, February 3, 2018 at 11:45:22 AM UTC-5, l vic wrote:
> I am trying to alias empty interface in one package so it could be used in 
> several other packages:
> in "myproject/common/common.go"
> package common
> type Any interface{}
> But when i try to use it from another package "myproject/myutil/myutil.go"
> *package myutil*
> *import (*
> *"*myproject/common"
> )
> var a *Any
> I have compilation error:
> imported and not used: "myproject/common" 
> undefined: Any
> I declared type Any with capital 'A', so it's supposed to be visible from 
> other packages... Where's the error?

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