You can either use one of the existing other routers that have meddleware
support or you could wrap your handlers in another handler much like this:

handle("/foo",wrapHandler(rateLimiter, realHandler))

func wrapHandler(limit *ARateLimiter, handler func(http.ResponseWriter,
*http.Request)) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request){
      return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
                   limit.Aquire() //Or however you use the limiter

Very rudimentary and simplified but could perhaps work. You can wrap any
handler in the same way with either a shared limiter or one per call or any

fre 2 feb. 2018 kl 13:06 skrev Patrik Iselind <>:

> Den fredag 2 februari 2018 kl. 11:50:43 UTC+1 skrev Jesper Louis Andersen:
>> A simple solution is to have a channel of type struct{} of some bound,
>> say 10. A process only gives service as long as it can pull a message from
>> the channel.
> How would i hook in such a channel in the http server? Wouldn't a channel
> of type interface{} be better?
>> More advanced solutions include handling the channel as a token bucket
>> and regulating it to have a drip-rate.
> I would prefer simple over complex in this instance.
>> Even more advanced solutions sample your system and slows the drip feed
>> when it is overloaded with resources.
>> You might also consider pushback and queuing. If you are overloaded, you
>> have to tell the caller to stop sending requests for a while.
>> Consider using a model such as CoDel (Controlled Delay) on your queues.
> pushback, queuing and CoDel might be good ideas further down the line for
> my project. I'll keep those in mind, thanks!
> // Patrik
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