It seems that is the way to go here. You
can combine it with reflect.Swapper to get an API like

On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 6:52 PM, Chris Hopkins <> wrote:

> Okay well the actual (working version) of the code (before I wrote the
> test cases that are currently failing/not compiling) is here (I refuse to
> check in broken code):
> The source library (permutation) can cope with permutes on arrays of
> arbitrary type as long as you supply a Less function. I'm trying to extend
> the test cases so anything other than int type is tested.
> I've long preached that is you're using reflect you're probably doing it.
> I know the source library uses reflect for these things, I'm trying to
> avoid it.
> I just can't see a different way to do it.
> Thanks
> Chris
> On Wednesday, 31 January 2018 17:46:51 UTC, Axel Wagner wrote:
>> FTR, you can also pass an actual []Usable, instead of a []tmpType. That
>> is do
>> But I do think that your code and question suggest that you are trying to
>> use interfaces to do some sort of subtyping, which is just not how they are
>> supposed to be used.
>> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 6:43 PM, Axel Wagner <>
>> wrote:
>>> You have to use reflection for that. Go doesn't have subtyping of that
>>> kind. This smells a bit of an xy-problem <> to
>>> me, though. There are several things here, that suggest an antipattern
>>> going on. With a little bit of context on the actual problem you are trying
>>> to solve, we might be able to come up with a more idiomatic design.
>>> On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 6:37 PM, Chris Hopkins <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Sharing my ignorance:
>>>> I didn't realise that although you can switch-case on an interface, an
>>>> array of interfaces doesn't work.
>>>> Any ideas on how to cope with this? I tried:
>>>> _, ok = tmp.([]Useable)
>>>> But that fails for the same reason. I can't work out how to detect if
>>>> the type (of the empty interface) is an array of a type that satisfies the
>>>> (useful) interface.
>>>> This must be a common problem and PEBKAC surely?
>>>> Regards
>>>> Chris
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