Here's a specific example of how this works for me. I have a chess board 
represented as a 64 element array of points:

type Point struct {
 *Piece // nil for no piece
// Absolute Point represents a specific point on the board.
type AbsPoint struct {
 File uint8
 Rank uint8
type Piece struct {
 Base  Kind
 Moved bool `json:"-"`
type Kind int

const (
 King Kind = iota + 1

Often I'll be iterating over a subset of points on the board and want to 
check what kind of piece is there. The pointer shortcut (and struct 
embedding) definitely cleans up my code.

for _, point := range set {
  if point.Piece != nil {
    if (point.Kind == King) && (point.Moved == false) && (point.Orientation 
== mover) {
      // do something
// instead of
for _, point := range set {
  if point.Piece != nil {
    if (*(point.Piece).Kind == King) && (*(point.Piece).Moved == false) && 
(*(point.Piece).Orientation == mover) {
    // or if (point.Piece->Kind == King) && (point.Piece->Moved == false) 
&& (point.Piece->Orientation == mover) {
      // do something

Given more pieces than regular chess this kind of logic happens many times 
and I appreciate the reduced word count. For a newcomer it may be 
surprising and require a type lookup, but newcomers aren't maintaining the 


On Monday, December 18, 2017 at 3:05:54 PM UTC-6, 
> On Monday, December 18, 2017 at 12:12:22 PM UTC-8, Dave Cheney wrote:
>> It's true it is an exception, it's one of the few cases where the 
>> language adds a pinch of syntactic sugar to make the experience more 
>> pleasurable.
> I'd describe this more as removing a pinch of syntactic sugar. 
> I can imagine without this the number one oft repeated feature request 
>> would be to _not_ have to write (&t).m() all the time when you just wanted 
>> to write t.m(). 
> Maybe so, but you know where that leads. Soon those people will start 
> complaining about the requirement for explicit type conversions too.
> Anyway, thanks for confirming my reaction.
> Jon

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