- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(programming_language)
- go build, which builds Go binaries using only information in the source 
files themselves, no separate makefiles
- go test, for unit testing and microbenchmarks
- go fmt, for formatting code
- go get, for retrieving and installing remote packages
- go vet, a static analyzer looking for potential errors in code
- go run, a shortcut for building and executing code
- godoc, for displaying documentation or serving it via HTTP
- gorename, for renaming variables, functions, and so on in a type-safe way
- go generate, a standard way to invoke code generators

Please explain me.

On Monday, December 18, 2017 at 1:03:55 AM UTC+3:30, Compiler wrote:
> Hello,
> Go Generate Vs Go Build!?!
> guest@Base:~/Gits/go-hello$ ls
> hello  hello.go
> guest@Base:~/Gits/go-hello$ cat hello.go
> package main
> import "fmt"
> func main() {
>         fmt.Println("Hello, World")
> }
> guest@Base:~/Gits/go-hello$ go build hello.go
> guest@Base:~/Gits/go-hello$ go generate hello.go
> guest@Base:~/Gits/go-hello$ ./hello
> Hello, World

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