Sockets have something called SO_REUSEADDR.  BSD libraries, Java and other 
support this.  I would think Go supports this in some form.

On Tuesday, November 28, 2017 at 9:53:48 PM UTC-7, Albert Tedja wrote:
> net/http's Shutdown() does not free up the port upon return, or rather it 
> seems a bit undefined how long it takes for the port to be reusable again.
>     server := &http.Server{
>         Addr: fmt.Sprintf(":9000"),
>     }
>     go func() {
>         fmt.Println("hosting...")
>         err := server.ListenAndServe()
>     }()
>     time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
>     fmt.Println("closing")
>     err := server.Shutdown(nil)
>     fmt.Println("shutdown error", err)
>     fmt.Println("hosting again...")
>     err = server.ListenAndServe()
>     fmt.Println("host again err", err)
> The code above, for example, sometimes successfully hosting the http 
> server twice, but sometimes, the second one fails with "address already in 
> use" error
> $ go run main.go 
> hosting...
> closing
> shutdown error <nil>
> hosting again...
> // This is okay
> $ go run main.go 
> hosting...
> closing
> shutdown error <nil>
> hosting again...
> host again err listen tcp :9000: bind: address already in use
> My question is, is this a bug, or an expected undetermined behavior? If 
> it's the latter, how can I safely make sure that Shutdown() completely 
> frees up the port used?

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