Using a personal sort to avoid the standard sort's abstraction... // 50331648 bytes, 6291456 8-byte elements, 0.687317 seconds (48MB of uint64) // 50331648 bytes, 50331648 1-byte elements, 1.605258 seconds (48MB of uint8) // 2147483648 bytes, 268435456 8-byte elements, 35.262593 seconds (2GB of uint64) // 2147483648 bytes, 2147483648 1-byte elements, 68.793937 seconds (2GB of uint8) good for another 2-3x. Running in parallel mode would get you another 3x-5x, but i expect 5x this rate is as good as you will get. (at least with battery, laptop, pyjamas, and reclining on a sofa :-) -- Michael T. Jones -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "golang-nuts" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit