Hey guiys, I posted a StackOF question two days ago, but so far nobody was 
able to help me!

I am trying to profile my web server I wrote, but my pprof does not contain 
any data about the handler func.  
I am using the httprouter package 
<https://github.com/julienschmidt/httprouter> by julienschmidt, and want to 
simply benchmark one of my handlers and see the pprof profile for that. For 
the benchmarking, I am using go-wrk <https://github.com/tsliwowicz/go-wrk>  

I set up my web server and pprof like this:

 // Configure the server
 server := &http.Server{
     Addr:    ":4000",
     Handler: router,

 go func() {
     log.Println(http.ListenAndServe(":6060", nil))

 // Start the server
 err = server.ListenAndServe()
 if err != nil {

The router is initialized like this:

  // Create the httprouter
 router := httprouter.New()
 // Register all handlers
 router.GET("/entities/:type/map", h.UseHandler(&h.ApiGetEntitiesMapRequest
{}, p))

And my handler looks like this:

 func (req ApiGetEntitiesMapRequest) Handle(r *http.Request, hrp httprouter.
Params, p Params) (interface{}, error) {
     test := make([]string, 0)
     for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
         test = append(test, "1")
         test = append(test, "2")
         // Ensure pprof has some time to collect its data
     return test, nil

This handler is just a test, where I dynamically append a lot of elements 
to a slice. The reason for that is, I wanted to test whether these dynamic 
allocations are represented in the heap profile of pprof.

Now, what I did was: 
 - Start my server  
 - execute **go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap** in my 
 - then benchmark my handler by executing **go-wrk -no-c -d 5 

The request works and my benchmark also reports everything correctly. 
However, when I type **png** in the pprof terminal, I get this graph:


The graph does not contain any information about my handler and the costly 
heap allocations I did in my handler. What am I doing wrong?

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