It's in the spec under constants: arithmetic has arbitrary precision. When
you restrict to a floating point type by assigning to a variable you also
restrict the precision of the result.

On Thu, Nov 9, 2017, 4:35 PM <> wrote:

> Why are the following unequal in Go? Is this a bug, or is it by design? If
> it's by design, why does this occur and is this type of behavior documented
> anywhere?
> package main
> import (
>     "fmt"
> )
> func main() {
>     x := 10.1
>     fmt.Println("x == 10.1:        ", x == 10.1)
>     fmt.Println("x*3.0 == 10.1*3.0:", x*3.0 == 10.1*3.0)
>     fmt.Println("x*3.0:            ", x*3.0)
>     fmt.Println("10.1*3.0:         ", 10.1*3.0)
> }
> Produces:
> x == 10.1:         true
> x*3.0 == 10.1*3.0: false
> x*3.0:             30.299999999999997
> 10.1*3.0:          30.3
> --
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