On Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 7:46 AM, David Renne <davidre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I guess I was wondering still if we had existing code with multiple mutexes
> being locked or rLocked where we didnt have the defer unlocks and those
> panic.
> I guess I dont understand why you would want the lock entirely for the
> entire execution of the function until the defer.  It seems more efficient
> to only Lock and unlock between the specific lines of code where you are
> mutating a shared variable.

Yes, sometimes.  When you need to be careful about panics you can use
a helper function or a function literal.

> Still my question would be the same, on these existing locks if a panic
> happened and it exited prematurely, is it just safe to put any mutexes we
> are locked or RLocked inside of the recover if statement?  Just in case
> those are Locked or RLocked, will an Unlock or RUnlock always be okay and
> not panic further if they are not locked and we call Unlock or RUnlock?

No.  You must not call Unlock on a mutex that is not locked.


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