I found how to force 'go build' to work under the bash shell on Winderz
you have to add a symlink in the program directory containing go.exe
such as 
    ln -s go.exe go

On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 7:59:04 PM UTC-4, brainman wrote:
> On Thursday, 12 October 2017 09:28:42 UTC+11, Pat Farrell wrote:
> > Yes, I didn't understand what a "workspace" is. Still don't know what 
> that buzzword means.
> I suggested you read https://golang.org/doc/code.html - it should answer 
> your question. 

I saw you write that. But there was nothing that told me why.
I started at golang.org and have been following the instructions.
There was no reference to this document in any of the installation 
instruction pages.

Again, it looks like someone who hated Windows (and I hate Windows as much 
as any other developer) 
was forced to implement it and wrote the minimal documentation they could. 
They did this long ago, and no one has updated it

|| when you write programs with Go all your source code, compiled packages 
and final binaries will be stored inside of single 
|| directory on your computer. 

Seriously? That sure seem like bad practices to me. Nearly all the code 
I've worked on over the past 40 years was too big to go into a single 

> set GOPATH=c:\gopath
> ```

Which is a Linux-type instruction. Doesn't work on Windows

> > That thread is at least a year old. Back then it was in Beta from MS. 
> Its released now.
> Sure. But Go is still not supported on WSL.

That is a bug.


>  If you want to use development environment with bugs, then sure, you 
> could do that. 

I'm sorry, this attitude is not helpful.

> > Go is claimed to be cross platform, and the language sure looks to be 
> that way. But the installation instructions on Windows seem to be an 
> afterthought and fairly out of date.
> It is hard for me to judge (I have used Go for many years). 

Clearly you have not tried to start with zero knowledge on windows.
I'm sure its much easier if you use a prefered OS such as Linux.

> Go, its libraries and tools are written in Go. So Go installation does not 
> installs any gnu / cygwin stuff. 

The installation for binaries uses some standard Windows installation tool, 
been the same since about Windows 95.
Its clearly not written in go

Perhaps once I get this all working, I'll see the native go tools and 
libraries. But I'm not there yet.

I have now been dorking around on this for a couple of days. If I was not 
intrigued about how great go would be, I'd have stopped already. Something 
that I randomly clicked on to make this work started a cygwin shell. I have 
no idea what. Nor do I know what installed it.

I'd rather that this remain unanswered until someone who has active 
knowledge about what is happening with the go on Windows installation can 
chime in.


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