On Fri, 06 Oct 2017 11:21:10 -0700 Rich <rma...@gmail.com> wrote:
Rich writes:
> curl https://storage.googleapis.com/golang/go1.9.1.darwin-amd64.tar.gz |
tar zxvf -
> That will overwrite the existing /usr/local/go directory.  To check:

You are not alone in making this mistake.  I made the *same*
mistake when installing a new release on a 32bit freebsd
machine and broke go (and wasted Ian's time by filing a bug
report).  You have to /replace/ the installation, not
/overwrite/ it. I forgot since I rarely build go program on
this machine.

There is a reason why on MacOS, Windows, Linux, *BSD etc. use
installers instead of just "tar x" or "unzip" as it allows the
installer to run a script to do the right thing (such as
checking there is enough space, doing some simple test to
check everything went ok, restore the old release if it didn't
etc). In spirit "go update" to "go get" what "pkg update" is
to "pkg install" or "brew update" is to "brew install".

> On Wednesday, October 4, 2017 at 9:41:00 PM UTC-4, Bakul Shah wrote:
> >
> > Would it make sense for Go to update itself? Something 
> > like "go update <release>" that fetches a platform 
> > specific release, does some basic sanity tests and 
> > if all goes well, overwrites $GOROOT. 

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